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|Rocky's POV|

"Yah, I thought you're rude. But, you're really nice. I like it." Soo-ah said with a wink as she raised a thumbs up.

My heart was beating so badly as my mind went blank. I didn't know what to say. "U-uhmm, are you okay? Ah, I didn't mean to say that you're rude but I just thought that-" I cut her off as I shook my head.

"I...I'm nice?" I asked. "Yah, you're really cute whenever you're flustered." She chuckled.

"E-eh?" I stuttered. "Aigoo.." She smiled and patted my head.

The more I think about it, the more my heart beats like crazy. Happiness filled my body as her words echoed through my mind. You're nice, I like it. You're too cute when you're flustered.

I was smiling like an idiot while thinking too much of her.

"Yah! Rocky! Rocky-ah! You still there? Hellooo??" I snapped back to reality and saw Eunwoo waving his hand in front of my face.

"What are you thinking?" He asked. "U-uh, n-nothing." I lied, stuttering.

"Yah, you're really a bad liar. You're thinking of her right?" He added as a smirk formed in his face. "W-what are y-you t-talking a-about?" I stuttered.

"Aigoo..my bestfriend is madly in love with someone already. Yah, it's written all over your face. You were even smiling like an idiot earlier. Your cheeks were blushing as you rested your chin on your hand." He explained with a teasing smile.

"I-I'm n-not thinki-" I didn't finish my sentence as my eyes grew wider. She was smiling so sweetly, just like an angel. A smile crept up my cheeks but I quickly shook my head, realizing what I've been thinking.

"Oops, speaking of her." Eunwoo said moving his eyebrows up and down.

|Eunwoo's POV|

I turned to the direction where Rocky was looking as my heart started to beat faster.

Jiyoon was waving her hand as a smile plastered on my face. Everything she does seems to be a slow motion for me. You know, just like in the movies, when you see a pretty girl, light surrounds her and the world seemed to stop for a while.

My expression changed once I saw Bin hang his arm around her shoulder.

"Hi hyung." I turned to my left and saw Sanha smiling widely. "Oh, hi Sanha." I replied as I plastered a bitter smile on my face.

Then Soo-ah, Bin and Jiyoon took their seats. I was seating between Bin and Sanha, Rocky and Soo-ah were next to each other and Jiyoon in front of Bin.

"So Jiyoon, are you okay now? What exactly happened yesterday?" Soo-ah asked.

"Yeah, Bin hyung saved her. He was like a knight in shining armor saving a damsel in distress." Sanha explained.

My eyes widened as I looked at Sanha. I was like, "what?!". Everyone then turned their heads to me with confused faces. I guess I was too loud.

"N-no, I mean what started that incident?" I stuttered, defending myself.

Everyone's attention turned back to Jiyoon as I sighed in relief.

"Uhmm...I don't want to tell the reason why." She said. "Why?" All of us asked in unison.

"Well.." She paused as she looked at Bin. He mouthed her a "what", raising his eyebrows.

"I..I don't want to hurt someone twice." She said as she looked down.

"Noona, you have to tell us. We need to know why." Sanha pleaded.

She then looked at Bin again with a worried look. Then she said, "I'm sorry Bin."

Everybody looked so confused as the word 'what' and 'why' were plastered on their faces.

|Bin's POV|

"I'm sorry Bin." She said.

Eh? Why? What exactly happened?

"I was at the bathroom washing my hands when Minji and her friends suddenly approached me. They confronted me to stay away from Bin." She explained.

"Huh? Why me?" I asked, totally confused of the situation.

"Because she likes you." She added. My eyes popped out as my mind went blank.

"Then what happened? Did you say 'yes'?" Soo-ah asked her.

"No, of course I don't want to. There's no reason why do I have to stay away from my bestfriend except from her stupid reason." She explained.

That's my girl. I thought to myself as a smile crept up my cheeks. Then I quickly shook my head, realizing what I've been thinking.

"So, I was about to leave the bathroom when Hyerim came out in front of me." She added.

"Hyerim?" Soo-ah asked as Jiyoon nodded in reply. "Something unbelievable happened."

"What?" Rocky and Soo-ah asked in unison.

"She's friends with Minji/noona." Eunwoo, Sanha and I said in unison. "What?!" The two of them asked in disbelief.

"Minji, the one they call queen?" Rocky asked as we nodded in reply except for Sanha.

"Eesh, I really hate that girl. She keeps hitting on me." He added with a disgusted face as we chuckled.

"Queen? Why do they call her queen?" Sanha asked. "Because she's top notch in arrogance. She has this line 'know your level' because she thinks everything she wants will be followed. Having her dad as the director of the school makes her such a spoiled brat." Jiyoon explained.

"Wait. Her dad is the director of this school?!" Sanha asked wide-eyed as we hummed in response.

"So just like Minji, Hyerim told me to stay away from you." Jiyoon said, pointing to Eunwoo.

"Me?" Eunwoo asked surprised. "Why?"

"Because..." She paused as she looked at me. "Because she likes him." She added.

To be honest, I was kind of surprised because I didn't felt bad or jealous. It was like nothing to me.

After realizing her true colors, I realized that I really had no feelings for her. I was just mesmerized by her physical features. That's why they say first impressions doesn't really describe one's true personality. She wasn't an angel. Now I realize that love in first sight sounds reallyy cheesy.

"Wait. Hyerim likes Eunwoo? When?" Soo-ah asked curiously.

"I don't know either. She just said she likes him." Jiyoon replied.

"Ohh.." Soo-ah nodded in reply as she mouthed me a 'are you okay?'. I was really surprised at her reaction as I nodded awkwardly. So, Soo-ah must have known.


Dismissal came and students rushed out of the classrooms. "Yah!" I turned around and saw Jiyoon with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I hung my bag over my shoulder. "Are you.. okay?" She asked.

"Why not?"

"About earlier.. I'm sorry." She said as she lowered her head.

"Aigoo." I chuckled as I ruffled her hair. "I'm finee. Besides, knowing Hyerim's true colors made me.."

She looked up and asked, "made you what?"

"Made me realize that I don't have feelings for her." I replied as a smile was formed in my face.

UNEXPECTEDLY FALLING FOR YOU ▶ Moonbin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now