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|Jiyoon's POV|

At that very moment, my mind went blank. All I could hear was my heart beating and his voice ringing against my ears.

"Jiyoon-ah, it may sound really dramatic but.. seeing you smile with another guy especially Eunwoo, drags my whole body down." He said.

"But Eunwoo and I aren't in good terms lately." I explained.

"I know." He quickly replied. "That's why you hurt me too. Seeing you cry in front of my very eyes makes my heart ache. I hate seeing you cry. I really hate it. And it hurts me everytime about the thought that I can't always be by your side." He said.

"Your sadness is my sadness. Your problems are my problems too. You have always been part of my business, ever since we were still kids. But right now, my intention is different." He explained.

At that time, awkward silence took over. The atmosphere was serious, to the point that I couldn't even look at him.

"Anyway! Back to your question." He exclaimed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Forgiving someone maybe hard, but it's for your own good. For the good of your relationship with that person. Forgiveness is removing the anger towards that person. It is remembering without any negative feelings." He said.

"He apologized right?" He asked.

"H-how did you-"

"Well, he made the right choice." Bin said as he passed me a smile. "It's up to you Jiyoon."

"I think you were awesome after forgiving Hyerim after that horrible thing she did. Betrayal is one of the most unexpected things that a friend could do. But seeing you give her another chance, I personally think you're just nice as ever." He said.

"Uh.." I was totally speechless at the moment. No word dared to escape from my mouth after what he just said.

"Right. Another thing, I'll accept whatever answer you give me. I'll wait for you." He said with a smile.

My heart beated faster, as if it was going to jump out of my chest right now. My mind was racing. I was just staring at Bin's face on my phone screen, listening to his words.

"Yah, it's almost 9:00, you should sleep now." He said smiling.

Gosh Bin, can you please stop killing me with that sweet old smile? I'm getting stiff here.

"I-uhh.. yeah. Thanks for giving me some advice." I nervously responded as I smiled back.

"Good night dummy." He said with that smile again. "Y-yeah. Good night." I replied.

"I'll end the call now. Bye." I nodded in response as the call ended.

I unknowingly grabbed my pillow and covered my face with it. "Aaahhhh!!" I screamed.

"What if you're the one who hurts me every single day?"

"I hate seeing you cry. I really hate it."

"You have always been part of my business ever since we were kids. But right now, my intention is different."

UNEXPECTEDLY FALLING FOR YOU ▶ Moonbin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now