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|Eunwoo's POV|

"I think it's better if we remain friends."

I looked at her and did my best to plaster a smile on my face. Though it was a forced one, it was still bitter.

If that makes you happy, then I'll root for you.

"Go. Be happy with him."

As I stepped inside our house, I quickly peeked at the window as I heard her say, "Hoo. You can do this Jiyoon. It's time." She then smiled before walking away.

I heaved out a sigh of defeat and despair as I walked to the kitchen, the smell of fried chicken climbing up my nose. I sat at the table and watched my mom set up the plates.

"Why that face? Is everything alright?" She worriedly asked.

"It's.. nothing."

"Is it because of the girl you like? Jiyoon right? The pretty young lady next door?"

"Well.. pretty much." I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I faced the floor, feeling my heart sank all of a sudden.

"What about her?"

I let out a sigh once more and responded, "She likes someone else."


"It hurts mom." I replied, looking up to her. "But, it hurts more if I see her sad. So, I told her to be happy with him. Sometimes, your happiness is another person's happiness, right mom? It's more like, their happiness is more important than yours. And.. seeing her smile is all I want, even if she's not with me."

She smiled. "Aww. My son is a grown man now. Don't worry Eunwoo, you'll find someone who really is meant for you. That one girl who'll totally turn your world upside down."

I chuckled, realizing that she's even there for me in stuff like this. "Gee, thanks Mom."

|Jiyoon's POV|

We started walking back home with our hands intertwined, swinging it back and forth, wide smiles plastered on our faces as we looked into each other's eyes.

I was too happy at the moment, to the point that I can't stop smiling. My heart was dancing, having such celebration for what just happened. Am I dreaming right now? If I am, I don't wanna wake up.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He curiously asked, giving me his signature smile.

I shrugged in reply before chuckling at his pouty face. "I was confused."

"Of what?"

"Of my feelings. You know I liked Eunwoo right? That's where it all began. Questions and confusion started to clog up on my mind."

"In the end, you still chose me." He said, passing me a proud smile. "Because I'm way better than him. More handsome, more cute." He bragged as I snorted.

"Oh? Don't you agree? I'm just stating the facts here." He explained, making me chuckle in reply.

"Facts, my foot." I scoffed. "I chose you because you're the best. Not better than him, but the best."

His eyes lit up as soon as I emphasized the word 'best'. "You know, best in making lame and corny jokes, best in having the worst grades, best in having the last rank when it comes to looks-"

"Yah!" He whined, making me giggle at his cute reaction.

"I'm just messing with you." I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Oh? I'm here."

As I looked back at him, he sent me this childish look while pouting his lips and his arms crossed across his chest. "Oh come on, you know that I was just messing around."

UNEXPECTEDLY FALLING FOR YOU ▶ Moonbin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now