47 - WEIRD

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|Eunwoo's POV|

"How should I tell her?" I muttered to myself and cleared my throat.

"Uhmm, Jiyoon.. will you be my"
Ughhh no!

"Jiyoon-ah, I have something to.."
No! No! No!

What? Are you rapping?

"Ughh! It's hopeless! Okay. One more time.. Ji-"

"Who are you talking to Eunwoo?" I jumped on my seat and turned to where the sound was coming from.

"Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed as I held my chest. "Sorry." She chuckled and took a seat beside me.

Bad timing man. I haven't got to practice how. But, there's no time to waste. If I don't ask her this time, someone might surpass me.

"Eunwoo? Cha Eunwoo!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Jiyoon waved her hand in front of my face. "O-oh?" I stuttered.

"Sorry. I zoned out."

"Oh, it's fine. So, about this coming Prom Night.." She paused. Oh man. I know where this is heading.

"Do you already have your date?" I knew it! Now, what am I supposed to answer?

"I-uhh.. I still don't have one." I murmured. "Sorry? I didn't heard what you said." She chuckled.

"Oh. I said, I still don't have one." I replied, lowering my head as my face reddened out of embarrassment.

"Oh, okay." She simply replied. I took a deep breath as I cleared my throat and faced her.

"Uhmm.. actually.." She hummed in response as she raised her eyebrows in curiosity. "Will you be my date for this Prom Night?"

Her eyes widened as she stuttered, "E-excuse me?"

"Jiyoon, will you be my date for this Prom Night?" I repeated the question calmly but, let's be honest here. My heart was beating so loudly as if it was going to jump out of my body.

Shivers ran through my spine as I clenched my fists, ready to hear her answer. Please say yes. Please say yes.

|Bin's POV|

I have decided my mind and the only thing left was for me to tell her. As I saw her, a smile crept up my cheeks and I quickly waved my hand for her to notice me. Unfortunately, she didn't.

A frown was plastered on my face as I followed her to where she was going, the school garden. I was about to call out her name when I saw him.

No words dared to escape from my mouth as I listened to their conversation. I know I'm eavesdropping but, I was just stuck there.

Then, the question which I was about to ask her.. came out of Eunwoo's mouth. "Will you be my date for this Prom Night?" Jiyoon's eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by his question.

My jaws dropped at the moment. Clenching my fists and heart racing was what I only felt. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. "Right. The deal's over. My job is over. The time that we've been waiting for has come. But why am I feeling something weird? Why am I not happy for her?"

I quickly made my way out of the school garden, not wanting to hear her answer. I know it already. She would surely say 'yes.' She'd be the happiest girl in the world, her dream was granted.

I want to go back home right now. I don't have much energy left for the rest of the subjects.

I got back to the classroom with my hands stuffed in my pockets and I quickly made my way to my seat. I crossed my arms on my table and laid my head on it. That question, his question was still stuck on my head.

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