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|Jiyoon's POV|

"Yah, until when are you going to stop avoiding me?"

"From now on, I'm back to the Moon Bin that you used to know. The old crazy Bin that you grew up with."

At that very moment, I couldn't help but smile. Happiness quickly filled my body up as soon as I saw his lips curved upwards as his eyes turned into two crescents. I've been missing that old sweet smile for days. Gosh, things finally went back the way it used to be. I missed my bestfriend. But, a weird feeling was mixed up with my happiness too. Something.. I've never felt before. Honestly speaking, I was kinda nervous when he approached me but.. once he stated that specific line, I was actually relieved. Relieved that, he's back. The old him is back.

It's actually a great thing that he broke the awkwardness between us. Well, after his.. confession. Speaking of which, I still owe them my answer. What am I supposed to do now?

Ugh. Let's sleep for now. I need to get a rest.


The next day

We are standing outside Eunwoo's house while waiting for him to come out.

"Yah, it's been 5 minutes already. We can't be late for school." Oppa whined.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he's coming out anytime now." I replied, sending a reassuring smile.


After another 5 minutes

"Jiyoon-ah, if we stay here, we'll totally be late. We need to go now." Oppa said with a hint of frustration in his voice as his face turned serious.


"You need to make a choice. Would you rather wait for him and be late for school, or let's go now? Remember, late is equal to a detention." Oppa said, crossing his arms.

I heaved out a sigh. "You're right. Maybe he was just early at school." I said, hoping for what I said to be true.

"Good. Now, come on." Oppa said as he quickly walked ahead of me. I took a last glance at Eunwoo's house and followed Oppa.


As I got to my classroom, I was kinda relieved. I was not late. But, I was mostly disappointed and sad. He's not here. I took my seat and fixed my bag as I took a glance at his desk.

"Hey," I lift my head up and saw Bin. "Where's Eunwoo?" He asked.

"I.. I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders as a frown crept up my cheeks.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked with concern as he tapped my shoulder. "Uhh.. yeah." I hesitantly replied.

"Attention everybody! Now, get back to your seats." Professor Shin instructed as soon as he got inside the room.

"Jiyoon-ah, if something's wrong, you can tell me. Okay?" Bin said, sending me a comforting smile as I nodded in reply.

"Now, get your books and turn to page 253." Professor Shin said.

UNEXPECTEDLY FALLING FOR YOU ▶ Moonbin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now