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Have a nice day..


"Mom.. Do you know who is prettiest in these pictures", a six years old Avya asked Avni.. "Who Avya?" "You.. See how nicely you are smiling",she squealed happily, continued looking at the photo album of Avni and her friends, taken during Avni's college days. Avni looked at her daughter and smiles genuinely looking at her smiling face. She caressed her daughter's little head and was lost in her thoughts. She wasn't really concentrating now on what Avya was saying while Avya was too busy looking at the photos and blabbering continuously.. She is always energetic to keep talking non stop whether the other person listened to her or not. She is like this even when she has fever..

Avni was thinking about the old beautiful memories. How happy they were before that tragedy. Before her husband's death. Her husband Vivaan Singh, lost his life in a car accident. The news left Avni shattered and she still couldn't gotten over it. She herself doesn't know how she survived. Had it not been their daughter she would have died on that very day when she learn't about her husband's death. Even now no one knows how broken she was, how she is managing everything, how she manages to live for her daughter.

Avya was very small then that's why doesn't remember much about her father. For her, her mother is everything.

Avni has decide to continue living in her place. The place that has thousands of memories of her and her husband and their daughter. Their house wasn't some mansion but for Avni it was more precious than any palace. She and Vivaan had bought this beautiful house together before their wedding.

Her parents and other relatives had asked her to come back but Avni didn't want to be the subject of all the sympathy from them and others and more importantly she doesn't wanted the marriage proposals and the continuous pleadings to get married again, move on in life, life is too long, she is still young, how long she will live alone, Avya needs a father, etc, so she refused to go back to her parent's place.

She doesn't want to get married to someone else. She got many proposals who were ready to accept her and Avya wholeheartedly but she couldn't forget Vivaan and doesn't trust anyone with her daughter. She tries her best to fulfill all the duties and wishes of Avya, to give her both a mother and a father.

She is an independent hard working woman. A gynecologist by profession. Her routine was to get up early in morning, get ready and get Avya ready for school, have breakfast and make Avya eat hers, pack lunch for them, drops Avya to school and then leave for hospital, stay till evening and even at night during emergency cases and then go back home when it was time for dinner. During emergency cases Avya used to stay at hospital in Avni's cabin over night. Sometimes it becomes really difficult for Avni to manage time for her daughter. She hated herself when she had to leave her daughter for long hours just to have some extra money. She is doing all this for Avya but still it couldn't replace the guilt. Avya do long for her mother but she never complains. She is a matured girl at such tender age. She understands her mother. That increases Avni's guilt of not being a good mother to Avya. She cries silently and Avya scolds and consoles her whenever she catches her. She used to wipe her tears, cups her face with her tiny hands, looked in her eyes and says "don't worry mummy, I'm with you. Everything will be fine. You are strong. You can do it." Avni just used to smile at her huge words and hugs her tightly. And thinks how brave and matured their daughter is. She feels proud of her daughter.

"Now enough Avya.. Its late now.. Come lets sleep." Avni said coming out of her reveire looking at the time.

"okay mummy" Avya replied and lies down on the bed next to her mother. Avni puts the quilt over them and both falls asleep.

Next morning,

As usual Avni got up early got ready and goes to make Avya ready for school.

Avni : Avya, baby get up you'll get late for school.

Avya : Mummy Today I don't want to go to school.

Avni frowned : Why?

Avya : Bas yunhi..

Avni : Uff.. Their is only one problem with my daughter. She never wants to go to school.

Avya : No mummy.. I go to school everyday just today I don't want to go..

Avni : Why not today?

Avya : Because today is Sunday.

Avni : hmm!

Avya stands on the bed and hits her forehead and shakes her head.

Avya : Today is holiday. No one goes to school today. What should I do about my mummy. She always forgets such things. Mere bhulakad mummy.

Avni smiles : Okay baba I'm sorry.

She holds her ears...

Avya (pretends to think) : Hmm okay.

Avni : Thank you.. Now go get ready for breakfast. I'll make you your favorite dish.

Avya nods and goes to washroom.. Avni put back Avya's school uniform and places a frock on the bed for Avya and then she went to the kitchen to make breakfast for them..

Suddenly she heard Avya..

Avya : PAPA..

Avni was hell shocked..

Avni : Papa.. whom is she calling papa?

Avni runs outside the kitchen and was startled at the scene in front of her. She felt a sharp pain.

Avya was hugging someone, crying happily. He too was hugging her back. Tears were falling from his eyes. Times passes so soon. How fast Avya grows up. He thought.

He looked at Avni, who was standing in front of him like a statue. He broke the hug and runs to Avni and hugs her tightly. "Avni I'm so sorry. Avni say something please. Avni." He broke the hug and cups her face calling her name and talking continuously.

Avni honestly don't know what to say or do.. Just then her daughter runs to them and pulls Avni's hand..

Avya : Look mumma, papa came back. Now he will stay with mummy/mumma and Avya.

Avya looked at him and he nods..

Avni somehow controls herself : You.. you are alive?

She asked while tears were rolling from her eyes..

Avni : How? I mean..

Vivaan : Wo..

He explained her everything. They mistook someone's else dead body to be his. Dead body's face was destroyed beyond recognition. He meet with an accident but he didn't died. Some people took him to hospital. Doctors treated him and saved his life but slip into coma for 5 years. Just now he woke from coma. He tried to call Avni but her number was changed.

He came straight away here to his Avni and their lovely daughter, their Avya.

Avni cries and hugged him. He hugged her back. She couldn't describe her happiness. Her Vivaan, her love, her husband was back. This is a miracle.

Vivaan : I'm so sorry Avni. Because of me you had to suffer so much..

Avni (cries): No Vivaan.. I'm so so happy you are back. I can't even tell you. Thank God Vivaan you are safe. I missed you.. I love you so much Vivaan.

Vivaan (cries) : I love you too Avni.

The trio were beyond happy. This was their new chance. The beginning of a new chapter in their life.


Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes. No proof reading.

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