My Arrogant Boss #1

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Hi friends,

I have already written "My Arrogant boss" before on many couples that's why I thought to write it on Avni and Vivaan also. So this is Fanaah version of "My Arrogant boss".

Sorry for mistakes.

Vivaan is a rude arrogant businessman. He only thinks about himself and his only family his dadi. His parents never gave him the love he deserves. They all were too busy in making money, in their business, parties and all that they don't have any time for him. From them Vivaan only gets a huge business and property and knowledge that nothing is as important as money. He only received love from his dadi. She tried a lot to make him believe in love and humanity but his parents were having a great effect on him. Vivaan never let anyone come close to him except his grand mother. He has distanced himself from everyone. He hates everyone and loves only his work and his dadi. He can destroy anyone's life if he/she tries to mess with him.

Everything was going as per his wishes until a crazy yet innocent girl become his pa. His PA was no one else than Avni.

Avni is a kind hearted, innocent, hard working, very beautiful well a mixture of everything. She is scared of her boss but she feels bad for him as he is always alone. No one tries to come close to him or tries decrease his pain which is given by his own family. He never felt the real happiness. She wanted to help him but whenever she tries he scares her or make her angry. He scares her so much that sometimes she even dreams about him where he is scolding her and ordering her. After these dreams she always gets up with a start and thanked God that it is only a dream.

She doesn't like his rude, arrogant behavior, his habits of scolding her all the time unnecessary and especially his habits of ordering her all day and night. He doesn't even think if its day or very late at night. He himself become surprised how she successfully do all the work he gave her. Well he doesn't know how many nic names he gained due to his this habit.

Vivaan didn't have any personal rivalry with her but she has started to affect his life. He has started changing and he is now well aware about it. He didn't want it. He hated this thing.

Avni is loved by everyone which makes Vivaan hate her more or better say makes him jealous to the core.

His dadi also liked Avni in fact she likes her for Vivaan. She loved the change in Vivaan which is due to Avni and she is sure that Avni can only change him and bring happiness in his life. She founds both modern and traditional qualities in her and more than that she founds a lot of values and virtues in her. His dadi is trying to being them close. She makes sure that Avni is always with Vivaan. She always try to bring them together and whenever they both come very close Mr. Arrogant spoils everything. Vivaan knows about his dadi's choice and is very annoyed and his poor pa always becomes the prey of his anger.

Avni sometimes loves and sometimes hates to spend time with Vivaan. Sometimes she wants to spend all her time with him and doesn't go anywhere without him and sometimes she wants to run far away from him. She sometimes wants to treat him like a baby and sometimes wants to hit Vivaan with something so hard that he becomes half of her height. He always spoils her mood but what can she do she is his pa. She has to go everywhere he goes. Poor she. Doesn't know what her Mr. Arrogant is going through.

Recently Vivaan had to leave for a business trip in Delhi. His dadi told Vivaan that she is no more trying to bring them together and asked him to invite Avni too and Vivaan couldn't deny his dadi's wish. He agreed and called Avni too.

She didn't wanted to go but she agrees because she can't go against Mr. Arrogant and even because she couldn't deny dadi's wish. She agrees but she was irritated. Vivaan didn't told her anything about this deal. He didn't even told her for which business trip he is taking her so far. She was scared but she trusted his dadi. Her lil brother also lived in Delhi for his higher studies so she was feels a lil secured.

Next morning she get up early and quickly checked if she has kept everything or not.

Next morning she get up early and quickly checked if she has kept everything or not

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She then took her bag which she packed for the trip last night. She went to her family and took their best wishes and left for the trip. She reaches the airport. They have to go from a flight. Vivaan looks at her and was mesmerized but he controlled himself. She greeted his dadi and Vivaan's brothers, sisters (his uncle and aunt's children). They all were happy seeing Avni even Vivaan just that he didn't showed.

After 10 mins they all get inside the plane. Vivaan's thought that his dadi will make Avni sit next to him but she didn't. In fact she asked Avni to sit next to Nikhil, Vivaan's cousin. Avni was happy. She don't want to sit with Vivaan as she was angry with him. Vivaan was upset. She goes and sits next to Nikhil. They both were at some distance with Vivaan. Vivaan couldn't hear what they were talking but still he could see them. They both were laughing and giggling.

Nikhil : What comes first hen or egg.

Avni : (pretending to think) egg

Nikhil : then where did the egg come from

Avni : hen

Nikhil : and where did that hen come from.

Avni : Umm... from some other egg.

Nikhil : And where did that egg come from.

Avni : why don't you ask this question from your brother. Mr. perfect must be knowing all the answers of all the possible & impossible questions.

Nikhil : What do you think what answer I'll get.

Avni : I don't know you know him more than me.

Nikhil : that arrogant doesn't even know himself. Something very rude.

Avni : Very impossible.

Avni and Nikhil both guessed at the same time and looked back to find Vivaan burning in anger and glaring at them. Vivaan was looking at them just like when a devil looks at his prey who runs away from his captivity and gives the devil a lot of pain in the neck and now the prey is again trapped in devil's game who is ready to give him a slow and cruel death. Vivaan's that avatar scares both of them to death.

They both quickly turned their head and didn't dared to turn back again to look at their devil. They both were still talking to each other and that was making Vivaan more angry.


No proof reading. Sorry for mistakes.

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