My Arrogant Boss #5

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Hi friends,

Hope you all are fine


At night,

The party is going on in full swing. Everyone is very happy. The entire house is decorated very beautifully.. Guests were praising Avni for the party decorations, for taking care even of the small things and everything.. Everyone is busy enjoying the party but Vivaan and Avni are not in the party. They both are dressing up in their respective rooms.. They both are taking extra time today in getting ready..

(Dadi forced both of them especially Avni to get ready nicely. Her suitors will come to woo her in this party.)

Finally Vivaan selected his clothes and gets ready.. He comes down and is looking dashing in black suit. He comes in the party.

Everyone praises Vivaan that today he is looking extremely hot and dashing. Most of the girls are giving Vivaan naughty looks. But Vivaan didn't gave a damn to it.

His eyes were looking only for one but she was no where to be found. This was making him even more angry. He still remember the events happened since morning. The thought of losing her was making him more and more restless and scared.

Vivaan was looking here and there when Ansh comes and taps on his soldier. Vivaan turns.

Ansh: what happened bhai? Whom are you looking for? May I help you?

Vivaan: no.. I'm not thinking about anyone one.

Ansh: : ok bhai. Your wish don't tell. As it is I cannot help you in this matter. You have to handle this by your own.

Ansh smiles to him and turns to leave...

Vivaan: suno/listen

Ansh stopped and turns towards Vivaan.

Vivaan: How do you come to know its about love? I mean why do you think I'm in love?

Ansh gave an as usual look: shakal dekhi hai. Koi andha bhi padh ke bata dega {have you seen your face? Even a blind can tell this reading your face.}

He smiles shaking his head both sides and left from their. Now Vivaan become even more confused.

Vivaan: is it true? Am I actually in love?

"Accept your feelings for her or else you will lose your only true love forever. After that you cannot do anything except regretting your whole life." Vivaan remembers Ansh's words.

He was lost in deep thoughts when he hears his family members and few of the guests praising Avni and Vivaan for their hard work.

Avni for organizing such a brilliant party and Vivaan for the hard work he does for his company.

Vivaan listens to their praises for Avni and his company.. He was happy but still that weird feeling was not leaving him. He was not able to decide what he wants to do.

He still couldn't find Avni anywhere.. He was going to call her.. Just then Avni comes down. He turns and found Avni on the stairs in a beautiful pink gown. Her skin is already very fair so she didn't applied much loud make up. She was also wearing diamond earrings and high heels.

She was looking extremely gorgeous or say deadly beautiful as most of the people were lost in her beauty especially Vivaan

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She was looking extremely gorgeous or say deadly beautiful as most of the people were lost in her beauty especially Vivaan.. For a moment he even forget himself. He was just mesmerized by her beauty and was in his own world till he realized that other men are also looking at Avni.. He becomes very jealous and wanted to pull off their eyes.. He feels very over posessive for Avni..

Avni comes down the stairs. Vivaan's family went to her. They all were praising her. Vivaan was just looking at Avni from far..

Dadi : beta you are looking very gorgeous.

Ansh : Haan.. Must say.. Aaj to chand bhi sharma jayega..

Avni smiles : Thank you..

Ansh : Come. We have to introduce you to your suitors..

Avni just nods with a small smile. She was feeling very uncomfortable.

They take her with them and introduced her to guests. Vivaan was watching it. He was following her. Avni was smiling while talking to them. Their gaze was on her. she couldn't understand their gaze but Vivaan did. His anger was increasing with each introduction. Avni sometimes was just smiling, sometimes shaking hands and sometimes even hugging them.. Vivaan fumes. Now it was too much for him to tolerate.. Now in all party, he was trying his level best that no one had eye on Avni and no one try to talk to her or come close to her..

Avni felt his care for her. She became happy but only for few moments. But very soon she becomes angry remembering Vivaan's past behavior toward her. She put a stone on her heart and told herself that she won't let him hurt her anymore. She tried to move out of Vivaan's sight but in vain. Vivaan was still trying to keep her away from everyone making her more and more annoyed. As much as she was trying to be away from him he was following her even more. Now she couldn't take it anymore. She yelled at him.

Avni : What the hell? Why are you following me? Why don't you just leave me alone..

Vivaan : I'm not interested either. Its only because of you. People are flirting with you and you are not even stopping them. In fact you are just encouraging them to flirt even more with you.. You are such an idiot Avni.. Sometimes I can't even believe that someone can be so brainless..

Avni : Shut up... Its non of your business. And why does it matter to you. You suddenly started caring for an ordinary girl like me... You always said that I'm trying to come close to you, I'm greedy for your money, I'm huge burden on you but now when this removed from your head, when it itself doesn't wanted to be with you than why are you started following this burden now?

Vivaan becomes upset. He was guilty remembering what he used to say before.

Avni : Mr. Vivaan Khanna.. You are not responsible for me anymore and today I want to clear one thing.Remove this misunderstanding from your mind Mr. Khanna that I want you because you are rich and have a lot of money. If I wanted money and fame then I would have joined my father's company which is spread in the entire world and by now I would have been an owner of my own company which would be more successful than yours. I joined your company because I want to be successful by my own hard work. I wanted to prove myself.

Avni : I got a nice experience from this job. I have learnt a lot of things from this job and from you. And grateful to you for that. But now I have left the job in the morning, remember. And BTW You don't do anything without your benefit. You don't like to spend your precious time on useless things. It would be better if you don't forget what you are.. please utilize your time and spend it on someone who is useful to you. Not on someone like me who is totally useless to you.

Vivaan becomes angry not on Avni but on himself. More than that he was upset. He was regretting his past actions. He knows that Avni is right but still he was not able to take her anger. Avni never behaved like that to him. It hurts him. it really hurts him a lot.

Vivaan : Listen you...

Avni (interrupted him) : I'm not done yet. Don't speak in between. Mr. Khanna its my life and you are no one to decide what is wrong and what is right in my life. I can take care of myself by my own. I can do whatever I want. You don't owe my life. I was a worker in your office and now I'm not even your worker.You have no right to stop me from doing anything. I don't work for you anymore so its better if you live your life in peace and mind your own business rather than poking your nose in other's matters.

Avni : And one more thing, I would have left the house in morning only but dadi stopped me. I'm not staying here by my own wish and I'll leave from this house and your life as soon as my parents arrive.

Avni left from their leaving a heart broken Vivaan behind.. Vivaan was in tears. He doesn't wanted to let her go away from him. He wanted to apologize to her but before that she left.


No proof reading. Sorry for mistakes.

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