My Arrogant Boss #6

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Hi friends,

Hope you all are fine.


Avni looked for her family but couldn't find them anywhere. She was worried about her family as they should have arrived by now. She tried their number but it was out of network.

Avni goes out of the hall. She dialed her parents number and got to know that they will arrive next morning since they missed their flight.

Avni was Grief-stricken. This feeling of loneliness was the worse and the last thing that she wanted to feel right now. Being left out even in the crowed and Vivaan's behavior on top was just to control. Her heart sank thinking about him. Hi. Her love. The person whom she loved and adored secretly. Her love for him is pure and genuine but the arrogant guy couldn't see it.She always considered him as her teacher and inspiration.

"What are you doing here alone? Come join the party."Nikhil asked coming towards Avni.

Avni turned to find Nikhil : No.. Wo acutally I was feeling a little uneasy.. I just want to stay here for sometime and feel the fresh air.

Nikhil : Oh ok..

Nikhil noticed Avni was upset. He feels bad.

Nikhil : Why are you so sad?

Avni : Nothing just missing my family. They were coming in party but now they won't. They missed their flight.

Nikhil : Its sad but hey see na, now you can spend some more time with your parents when they will come. Just a little more wait.

Avni smiles : yeah, thanks.

Avni said and then looked outside the window at the stars.

Nikhil also followed the gaze. He was confused. Why was she looking their?

Nikhil : Hey, everything all right? Why are you looking at these?

Avni : Yeah, I was just admiring the beautiful creation of the Lord.

Nikhil : Yeah you got me on that. He is amazing. A wonderful artist.

Avni : Sometimes I wonder how can he make something so beautiful, so peaceful?

Avni said closing her eyes feeling the breeze.

Nikhil : yeah, I can say that seeing you.

Avni become shocked. She quickly opened her eyes and looked at Nikhil in shock : What?

Nikhil becomes a little scared. He tried to mange the situation.

Nikhil : Hey relax. Nothing. I was just complementing you. You look even more beautiful in this moonlight.

Avni : Oh.. Umm.. Thank you..

Vivaan who was witnessing this was furious with him flirting with Avni, taking advantage of her innocence, and Avni not refusing him for being unable to understand his intentions. Unable to take anymore, he just marched to them saying "Nikhil" with anger and jealousy was all over his face and voice. He tried to sound normal but how can he right now.

Nikhil and Avni both turned hearing his voice. Nikhil was pissed as he interfered between him and Avni but how can he show it in front of Avni. He have to behave like a gentleman.

Nikhil : Yes.

Vivaan : Your parents are looking for you. They want you to meet a girl and her family. You know..

Nikhil was shocked..

Nikhil : Well I'll meet them later. I cannot leave Miss. Avni here alone..

Vivaan was vexed with him, just wanted to kick him out from the party.

Avni : Its ok Mr Khurana. I'm fine. I'm a grown up girl. I can take care of myself.

Nikhil : But...

Vivaan : Your sister like friend is fine here with me Mr. Khurana. You go and meet the girl and her family.

Vivaan said gritting his teeth, jealousy clearly visible from his voice. Nikhil wasannoyed at being addressed as Avni's brother. He just marched to the party hall angrily.

Avni : what was that?

Avni asked Vivaan angrily.

Vivaan : You should thank me.

Avni : Why?

Vivaan : because I saved you from that pervert.

Avni becomes furious : Shut it Mr. Khanna. You have no right to comment something so rude about someone.

Vivaan : I don't need any right to say something about people like them. Couldn't you see by yourself Ms. Rathore how he was flirting with you?

Avni : I could see that Mr. Khanna but who asked you to interrupt? Sorry to remind you again but you are not responsible for me now. May be I liked it. May be I liked him..

Vivaan fumes : What do you mean?

Avni : Yahi ki I don't need your protection. I'm done with all these dramas in my life. My parents want to see me settled and I'm also not in mood to stay single anymore. I need to find someone for me. My future husband. May be its one among them only.

Vivaan (jealous) : Its not among them.

Avni : How do you know? It could be possible that my future husband is there only and I can't wait any longer. I just want him him at any cost. This party is full of handsome man and I'm daughter of a rich businessman, beautiful, intelligent, independent. Why will someone refuse? I'm sure I'll find someone today. (Vivaan builds a fist burning with pure jealousy.) You know what I'm sure till tomorrow I won't remain single anymore. Well it seem you want to help me in finding my dream husband? So can you tell me whom should I got to first?

Vivaan had enough. He just pulled her to him and smashed his lips on hers. His one hand circled her waist while other held her face deepening the kiss. Avni was shocked. His simple touches sends She don't know what was happening but Vivaan was completely aware of it. He was sucking her lips making her shiver under his touch.Their eyes were closed, feeling each other's heartbeat. It was a forced kiss. Avni thought this as wrong and was pushing him but Vivaan was pulling Avni to him more and more if it was humanly possible, still kissing her lips, showing her all the love he has for her hidden inside him all those years, telling her with this simple yet passionate action that no one can love her like he do. And Avni trying so hard to not to give in. She put her full force to push him again but in vain. She has never seen this shade of Vivaan ever before, who wanted her, who desired for her and her love, who is affected by her actions and emotions, who doesn't want to share her with anyone. He introduced her to a completely new Avni which she never knew existed.

Withseconds passing the kiss was becoming more intense. She was smelling his scentwhich was intoxicating her, turning her weak. His touch did something to her. Adesire was rose inside her and she didn't knew when she started to kiss him.


No proof reading. Sorry for mistakes.

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