A Weird Proposal

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Hi friends,

Hope you all are fine.


A girl in her mid 20s is shown sitting in her cabin completely emerged in her work when someone knocked her door.

"Yes come in." She said without looking at him.

"Mam, someone said to give this letter to you saying this is very urgent and a top secret." he said.

"Okay keep it on the desk and go." he nods and left the office.

She was curious to know what was so special about this letter. She took the letter and opened it and start reading.

It says,

My dear Jungli billi,

(She frowned)

I thought to propose you in a unique way so I write this letter as its too dangerous to propose you in front of you. God knows when your super angry mode gets on. I had to protect my life for you and our future kids.

I know you would have found out who has written this letter but please read it completely and don't tear it in your anger or else your weight will increase by 200 pounds.

(She gritted her teeth in anger, holding the letter really tight.)

I know by now you'll be fuming in anger but you didn't left me with another choice. First you made me fall for you so hard that now it became impossible to even think to live without you; secondly you confessed your love to me that to in drunken state {do you know how difficult it is to manage a drunk Avni? You became a walking talking disaster. On office party you beat me with a broomstick as I was talking to a girl. Madam I was talking to her to you some help, you jealous possessive jungli billi. (Dare you to call me possessive about you in future when I stop you from talking to someone). On Holi you made me dance and sing "I love you". On our first date when you accidentally drink alcohol you tried to seduce me and then left it in middle. Thank God or I won't be able to show my face to anyone. Like this a lot of incidents happened. And then you complain that I cannot handle a drink, have you seen your own capacity of handling drinks. You became the ultimate hell when you are drunk. Now do you get now how serious matter I'm talking about. I mean I can do the every impossible thing in this world but dealing with a drunk Avni, I would rather fight with lions. That would be so much easier.} , made me promise to love you truly till eternity and never leave you even if you want and on the second day you yourself asked me to back off from the promises I made to my love. Like seriously. You cannot do this when I start to dream about proposing you, our marriage, our honeymoon, our life with our kids, their marriage, our grand children etc. This is so unfair. Uff Jungli billi I know you remember everything and I know why you were saying this. So for the last time stop being insecure of other girls because I only love you. You have ruined me for every girl on this world except you. Their is no disadvantages of our marriage, only advantages. We would stay together forever. We would be husband and wife. You would be able to correct me everyday. I have also left alcohol and every bad thing for you. Mrs. Avni Vivaan Mehra sounds so cool and great. And most importantly ours would be a hell of a story to tell to our kids. So now please stop being a spoiltsport and accept my proposal. Your one yes can save a life. If you accepted my proposal then I'll always be the best husband to you and the best father to our kids. I'll always be your joru ka gulam and will do everything you want. Please please please pretty please accept my proposal.

Your future husband Vivaan.

Avni anger reached its level.

Avni olv That idiot. I won't leave you..

Her thoughts interrupted when she found Vivaan standing in front of her, giving her a small smile..

Avni got up and went to him...

"what the hell is this??" Avni screams at the top of her voice.

"A unique proposal... I think so" Vivaan said..

"I know but why like this" Avni asked.

"I couldn't think of something better" he said..

"I should have known. You would do something like this only. I'm waiting for a proposal since 9 years and you gave me this. So unfair. And in this also you mentioned my flaws but didn't appreciate me for anything and proposing me for marriage. So so bad of you. Manpreet maa and Pratham papa (Vivaan's parents) were so right. You are hopeless. They knew you would do something like this only. I should have listened to Manpreet maa and accepted Ajay's proposal at least I won't be single till now. He proposed me so romantically....."

Vivaan pulls her towards him and smashes his lips on hers. Her words died in her throat. She tried to push him but his grp on her was too strong. After awhile they broke their hot steamy angry jealous possessive kiss due to lack of air..

Breathing heavily they were looking at each other as if going to eat each other.

"Don't you dare to say that. I can't see you with someone else you know that. Not after knowing that you love me. I give you this letter because I want to marry you as soon as possible and in such short span of time. I wasn't getting good ideas and I can't wait now. What if someone comes and takes you away from me and that Ajay is no. 1 in the line. Hell no. I won't let anyone come between us. You love me, I love you and still that Kabab mein Haddi is coming between us. You will only marry me and that's final." said a jealous angry Vivaan holding her by shoulders.

Avni was shocked by his action..

"If I say no.." she asked placing her hands on his shoulder. He also places his hands on her waist holding her.

"I'll die" he said.

"If I say yes" she asked again.

"Then I'll die in happiness." he said.

She hits him playfully "Dont talk about death. Its impossible to imagine my life withoit you. I want to spend my entire life with you." she said almost crying. She can't imagine death and Vivaan in a same sentence. It was way too painful for her.

Vivaan felt bad "I'm so sorry and I have the same intention madam. Even I can't imagine my life without you. You know Vivaan Avni itself sounds so romantic together that anyother materialistic thing is not needed. Our love is divine you know. Please accept me." Vivaan said looking into her eyes.

"Okay but first you have to make it up too me. You will have to do everything I like. And yes no interruptions of any kind. This time if those chudails tried to ruin our date I might really kill them." she said, demanding cutely. Vivaan just admired her.

"Done. As you wish my princess" he said. She smiled and they both hugged.

Vivaan spend time with Avni before going to make arrangements for their date.


No proof reading.

Sorry for mistakes.

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