"Wait" (12/23/18)

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December 23, 2018


You're off to fuck someone else today
I know because you told me
I mean why wouldn't you?
You tell me everything
Because you don't think I have feelings for you

But I'm confused
You have feelings for me too
At least I thought so
Until you slept around with someone new
Unless that's just you

Can you have multiple partners at once?
Is that something that's normal for you?
And if it is
Is it normal for them too?

Is this normal for everyone?
Am I just late?
Can you just tell me straight?

I have to ask first
But I can't make assumptions
I can't even ask you these questions
We have to talk about this

What's there to talk about?
You might ask me that
Followed by something like
Is everything all right?
It's okay
Talk to me
You can tell me anything

What if you reject me before I get all my words out?
Before I finish the food on my plate?
Before I even get a cough in?
Before I clear my throat?
Because I'm dyin'
Before you help me into my coffin?

Just spit it out
No not the food
What you were fixin' to say
My dude

I told you I had something to say
A secret
I'm telling you now
I like you
There I said it

Like as a friend?

Time out
I like you more than that
I like you so much that
When we're together I
When I look at you I
When I think about you I
Aw fuck it
I'm just gonna come right out and say it
I could go on about how I lose sleep thinking about you
How many tears I've shed dreaming about you
But I'd rather say this
Because I feel like
You might appreciate it

Before you go on
I've known all along
I had no idea at all
That's sweet
I'm flattered but
(I'm lying through my teeth)
I feel the same
Sorry but
I just don't feel that way

Oh course you knew
Because you felt the same way too

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