"That Smile" (1/3/19)

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January 3, 2019

"That Smile"

I want to make that smile
Permanent on your face
Not like an episode of CSI Miami
Where the killer says
Something vile
Then starts laughing manically

Just a natural smile
The kind of smile
That is hard to put to words
The kind of smile
You would find on a mother
Who sends her only child to college
The kind of smile
You would find on a friend
Who hasn't seen you in months
The kind of smile
You would see when someone finally
Proposed in a movie
It was anticlimactic
But worth it

To see that smile
Is a rare beauty
To see that smile
It brightens my day
To see you so happy
Almost makes this pain
Fade away
To see that smile
To see you so carefree
Living in the moment
So confident in yourself
The way you own it
Makes me envious
Even jealous
Because I'm still figuring it out
How to do that
So effortlessly
And you make it look easy
I love that about you
Because when I see that smile
It makes me
Smile too

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