"The Kiss" (1/14/19)

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January 14, 2019

"The Kiss"

How are you
Feeling today?
Is this emotional roller coaster
Coming to an end?
Am I destined
To ride it forever
And never return
To my old self again?

Did you ever think
It would be this way?
Did you think you'd share
A kiss?
Did you think it would be
Something more?
Something more than
Drunken bliss
That the kiss would escalate
You'd hold each other
And that would be it
Did you ever think
The kiss would happen
It wouldn't stop
We'd be lost in the moment
In each other

What if the kiss
It doesn't exist?
What if it never happens?
I can't go on like this

Maybe I can't tell
Maybe I'm too close
To the situation
At hand
Or maybe I'm crazy
And insane

Maybe I need to take
A step back
Or two
Or three
Does it matter
How many?

I need to look at this
With fresh new eyes
You're on my mind
And I don't think
It's healthy
But I'm not complaining
I just need to think
And not about you
For once
I need to think about me
And what's best
For us

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