"The What Ifs That Keep Me Awake" (1/28/19)

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January 28, 2019

"The What Ifs That Keep Me Awake"

With heavy lids
And swirling mind
With dizzy thoughts
And wandering eyes
With limp body
And exhausted limbs

With my mind
From the stress
I'm in
And the ongoing
That seems to
Never end
With my mind
By this girl
By this guy
By this unrelenting
Pressure to
Make things right

What if
Things don't work out?
What if
I say something
I later regret?
What if
she cuts me off?
What if she
Never speaks
To me again?
What if I
Lose her as a friend?
What if I
Can't take
That kind of rejection?

But wait
What if she's
What if she's
What if she
Feels the same
About me?
What then?

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