"The Thought of You" (12/21/18)

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December 21, 2018

"The Thought of You"

The thought of you
With someone else
Hurts me deep inside

The thought of someone
Kissing you
Makes my blood boil
Brings tears to my eyes
Makes it difficult to write
These next few lines
Now my vision is blurry
But I'm not close to done

The thought of someone
Holding you
A pain to my heart
Makes me lose my breath

The thought of you
With someone else
In that intense special way
Makes me sit in silence
Because I have
Too much to say

But you don't know
The way I feel
Because I
Know better than to say
And I couldn't ruin our friendship
That way
So I remain quiet
And I don't let you know
Of this infatuation
That seems to have grown
It's stronger now
And harder to suppress
Because it hurts
Hurts like hell

I say I'm happy for you
But what I want to say
I keep to myself
But I'll tell you now

About that time
We danced so close
In tight embrace
When I made you moan
Solely with my
Hands in your hair
When I held you close
And you held me too
We held each other
You moaned then too

I could go on
What's wrong?
You don't remember this?
Oh that's right
This all happened
In drunken bliss
But it still happened
And these feelings don't dissipate
When we escape
Our drunken state
They're still present
Very much so
You'll find a reason to grab my hand
Or sit closer to me
You look at me differently
At least
That's what I see
I'll see you watching me
Out of the corner
Of my eye
And I'm happy
But sad
At the same time
Because of our nature
Because we are so alike
Neither one of us
Will say
What is really
On our mind

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