"He's A Great Guy" (1/13/19)

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January 13, 2019

"He's A Great Guy"

He's a great guy
You don't have to
Tell me twice
Does it shock you?
That he's of sane mind
And treats her with respect
Like you know
You would
Does it irritate you?
Make you mad?
Or even jealous?
That a hookup
A quick fuck
Turned into something real
Because that
Could have been you

He's a great guy
Really I'm happy for you
At least
I want to be
It's just hard knowing
(This is embarrassing)
That you fuck
And I'm left with this
A broken heart
And a broken dream
A dream I can't share
(Especially with you)
Because you said
You caught feelings for him
(Not me)

He's a great guy
I'm sure he is
I could tell
He's good for you
I can see that
I see you smile
And you look
One hundred percent
Picture perfect happy

He's a great guy
And I wish my jealousy
Would disappear
And go away
Because from what I see
He cares for you
He does
I mean
He drove all this way
In the blistering cold
In a Jeep
Driving stick
He was so willing to
Come see you
And it wasn't just for
The sex
(I'm sure that was a nice bonus)
But I think he
Just wanted to be with you
I see that now
And I wish I could say
I'm happy for you
But I can't
Jealousy won't let me
Her job isn't through

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