Chapter 27 - What? Dating?

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"Care to explain?" Ran says as she shows me the photo that's on her smartphone.

Isn't this?!?! How'd she get a photo of this?!?! Speaking of.... Where's Moca?

"Good mornin'" Moca said as she enters the live house.


What am I gonna tell her?!

How am I going to explain all of this?!

How am I going to get out of this?!

Moca then came up to me and rested her body on mine.

"You didn't wait for me" Moca said.

Can't you see we have a bigger problem here?!

"M-Moca-chan... What's the meaning of this?" Himari asked Moca.

Moca then looked at the photo that's been in front of her.

"That's...." Moca exclaimed.

She clearly can't say anything as well!!

The photo is me and Moca sleeping on the sofa side by side that was taken by Mrs. Luca. She was even in the picture with a little peace sign accompanying a cute face.

"You..." Tomoe exclaimed.

She then ran up to me and grabbed my shirts neck area.

Oh dear...

"What have you been doing to Moca?!" Tomoe asked.

"I-I can explain!" I said.

But what am I gonna say exactly?

You can clearly see there that it's not setup. Plus! I'm at Moca's house, at Moca's sofa, beside Moca!

Mrs. Luca! What have you gotten me into?!

"Well what's it gonna be?" Tomoe asked.

Moca....please.... I hope you catch me on this one.

"I was invited by Moca the other day, she said she wanted help with practicing the lead part on your new cover song, "Last one's weeping"

So I went to her house and I helped her out, we practiced a lot, then I guess we fell asleep. Nothing much happened after that, I swear!" I told them

Oh dear... I told a straight up lie....

"Is that true Moca?" Ran asked.

"Oh? Yeah! Anon even brought some buns for me!" said Moca.

"Buns? What for?" Himari asked.

"Uhmm..." exclaimed Moca


"Anon..." says Moca as she looks at me and is clearly asking for help.

Moca then walked over to my side.

Eh?! What are you doing?


Me and Anon.....


Moca then held my hand.




Everyone was definitely surprised at the statement that Moca just said.

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