The rightous daughter

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Name: Ana Leah Perez
Height: 5'4
Skin: Olive
Hair: Milky Brown
Eyes: Chestnut Brown

Hi, my name is Ana but I prefer my middle name because it was my grandmother's name. My family is Hispanic and Latino, almost the same, my great grandfather is from Mexico and my great grandmother is from Spain. My parents moved to the U.S. for better life opportunities and had me there. As an American citizen, I had
every door opened to me, I went to Mexico then to Spain, I had went to Italy for a short amount of time but I ran out of money and had no where to stay. I applied to many different jobs but most were not hiring at the moment or too much work with little pay. Then my prayers have been answered when I was offered a job of a secretary in castle in Volterra, I couldn't be more happier. It was a piece of cake, since I have a degree on writing, reading, and literature, and the hand work was well done. The only problem was my dress code, I never liked dark colors especially red. Being on a job will require to do stuff sometimes people don't want to but do it so they don't get fired and that's what I'm doing. As I walked through the hallway, I struggled a little in the high heels I'm required to wear, it took me a lot of practice but was worth it. Now I don't have much trouble walking in them. I have been on the job for five days and this was my first time I had to deliver a card to the main Volturi bosses. My father always taught me to keep my head high and always have confidence to what I do best. So that I did. Then I came to two big wooden doors, I took a deep breath and knocked. The doors opened...

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