¹¹⁾ ᵖᵗ³ the first day of my life

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so if you want to be with me, with these things there's no telling, we'll just have to wait and see, but I'd rather be working for a paycheck than waiting to win the lottery !



THERE ARE some days that you just never forget.

or days that you just constantly revisit in your mind, and every so often, when you're trying to fall asleep and you're just staring up at the ceiling, and the little fragments and particles that your mind make you see in the dark start floating around, you see flashes of that day; images of her laugh- of fingers finding their way towards each other in the dark, of her scent filling your system as she rests her head against you.

you see bits and pieces of that day for the rest of your life.

bits and pieces of her embrace. of the two of you in your car as she's smiling. as she's yelling.

the feeling of her lips against yours.


we walked out of the theater, the soggy popcorn bag drooping low as it hung between my fingers. I tossed it to the nearest trash can I could spy, and watched as it landed directly on the floor next to my supposed target.
this obviously triggered a laugh out of jane, and she pointed at my failure, clutching her stomach in a fit of giggles.

I shook my head in shame and scoffed as I walked towards the bag in shame and tossed it into the trash can that I had intended to throw it into in the first place.
"shut up," I said with an embarrassed smile on my face.
"bully for you, mike jordan," she scoffed with a small slap on my back. I rolled my eyes in sarcasm and stuffed my hands in my pockets, getting out my car keys hastily.
"I thought we walked here?" she asked, cocking her head at the jingling sound of metal in my fingers.
"yeah, I parked my car at Johnny's earlier 'cause I figured you'd need a ride home," I admitted, "it's like a minute away from here."

with both of our hands dig deep in the pockets of our jackets, we walked side by side in comforting silence, the only sound being the wind and the keys fumbling in my hands.
the moonlight and subtle lighting from the poles by the sidewalks were really the only source of light at such a late hour, as hardly any shops were open, and hardly any people remained. jane began humming some random tune to the beat of our steps and the melody of the jingling keys, which caused me to smile for some reason, my eyes directing themselves towards her.

the wind made her curls blow in her face, but in almost an ethereal way, as it only covered her cheeks and her forehead every so often. her nose and cheeks had also pinked due to the cold wind, her lips pursed and her eyes focused on the road in front of us. she looked to small for her jacket as her head reached to about my shoulder, her small legs stepping carefully in sync with my own long ones.

as we approached my car, she headed over to the passengers seat door, hands still in pockets and body resting against the door.
"what?" I questioned, observing the fact that she wasn't getting in.
"oh? I expected chivalrous mike to open it for me," she joked, shrugging smugly. I rolled my eyes and leaned over my seat, popping the door open. she smirked and sat down, taking off her big jacket with just a small shrug of her shoulders, revealing a tight t shirt and her usual mom jeans.

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