¹⁵⁾ sea of love

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do you remember when we met, that's the day I knew you were my pet, I want to tell you how much I love you !



I COULDN'T understand why we kept coming back each day.

it had been about a month since our first art room encounter, and even though each of our rendezvous consisted of less than ten shared words between one another, it was like we craved each other's presence, and each time one of us departed it was like we were almost struggling to obtain that presence once more.

we'd just sit there, silent, unless there was something forcing us to let a few words slip from our lips. we'd even sit at different tables- id work on my art assignment and he'd struggle to manipulate something out of clay that even remotely resembled a bowl or a vase. it was intoxicating- almost- being in such close proximity again after what felt like centuries apart.

it was the first tuesday of october, and as if it were routine I stepped quickly through the sea of students after the bell had rung towards the direction of the art room. it was always better to get there first. it'd prevent a world of awkwardness if you were the one who was seemingly disrupted instead of the one doing the disrupting.

I reached the empty classroom with a buoyant feeling in my chest, as I had seemed to be the first to enter. I gathered my stuff onto the table, avoiding the areas with dried paint in case some of it was still slightly wet, and sat down on the metal stool, notebook in hand-patiently awaiting the arrival of the boy I was supposed to hate.

I waited five minutes. and then five more.
until it had been twenty minutes and he still had not shown, leaving me to sit there, looking dumb as death's head. what a fool I was.

I grabbed my bag and let it slink down my shoulder lazily, cursing myself for having come back over 18 times now. how could I have let myself gotten so bad? so desperate yet again for even a glimmer of hope to be his. I truly was a fool, and he was probably off somewhere with max, laughing their asses off over having left me. I mumbled as I kicked my stool in under the chair and stomped out of the room, the air chilly and unwelcoming. my eyes glued to the floor in shame, when suddenly, I found myself almost tripping over the small power cord that plugged into the tiny box tv in the classroom. it caused me to draw my attention off of my own feet, and my eyes met with a very specific piece of art hanging on the art room walls.

it wasn't quite a piece of art, but to me- I felt as though it should've been hung in a museum.

it was but a yellow post-it note taped to the wall by the exit door that had a scribble of familiar messy handwriting on it.

meet on bleachers
today instead

I chuckled in disbelief at how he had expected me to notice such a tiny note in the first place.
what a dumbass.

but at least he hadn't ditched me.


"you know it took me like thirty minutes to notice your note, right?" I called out, catching his attention as I walked up the steel stairs to the bleacher seats by the football field, approaching mike, who had looked as if he were in a daze.

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