²⁷⁾ intertwined

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**notice: this chapter is semi-steamy so just a warning there. also— please, please read the authors note at the end if you have the time. thank you.


i'm afraid of the things in my brain, but we can stay here and laugh away the fear!



THE THOUGHT of how we ended up here doesn't work its way into my mind.

or at least, I'm trying not to let it. not now.

because I'm too preoccupied to ponder over the happenings of how one minute his name leaves my lips and I hear his voice saying mine for the first time in years as we stand there in bitterness, shock, and relief at the sight of one another—

—and the next his hands grip at my hips and my teeth pull gently on my lips as I'm fighting to turn the doorknob to close the door to my apartment behind me.

it's strange, because I loved mike when we were kids.

we'd kissed a couple times and held hands and even slept next to one another before, but we'd never done anything like this. and at the thought of it, it'd almost seem weird, or unnatural, or just not quite right, but for some reason, it's like this is what we've been doing all along.

it's like his body was made to fit with mine. like somehow we were both made in the same body factory where each limb and each finger were designed to intertwine, like his lips belonged pressed against my own and our eyelashes were meant to flutter back and forth against each other's, like butterfly wings flittering against a swarm.

and at that moment, I don't think about ben. maybe I should have been. maybe a part of me knew that he was hidden under some part of my brain that refused to front itself into the light. but we weren't officially together anyways— what did it matter?

but perhaps what was worst was that I wasn't even considering how wrong this was for me to be doing. I mean, this was the boy who broke my heart so many times over that it had taken me years to finally stitch myself back up. what the hell was I doing? why couldn't I be stronger? what was it about him that always left me into a mess of words and confusion and vulnerability?

the feeling of his teeth delicately nibbling at the skin on my neck brought me back into a state of ignorance as my fingers entered his tousled hair, as I tried to run my hands through them but never seemed to untangle the kinks and curls that coasted through the grooves of my hands.

the next thing I know, we crash onto my bed with a creak filling the room, my eyes shutting close as the heat from his body engulfs me as my back is pressed against the mattress and his own hovers above mine, as I lose all of my senses and thoughts as he kisses me like I'm a last breath of air that he just refuses to exhale.

and the only thing that I can think about,
is that this is what it must feel like
to finally feel whole.



I WANT to keep this image burned in my mind for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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