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It was a week later, and everything was going really well for Keith and Katie. Both had been regressing and everything was going swimmingly. Keith still wasn't fully comfortable around Katie's friends yet but he's took a big liking to Lance.

Katie had started to notice Keith's actions around her friends were becoming less limited and he was starting to talk more.

Right now, Keith and Katie were big, but still in their little clothes, since they were comfy. Later on everyone was going around to Shiro's house for his birthday. Keith was the only one familiar in Shiro's house so he was the only one not nervous about going.

Katie was fiddling with the end of her clothes, leaning on Keith's shoulder.
"Are you feeling okay now?" Katie whispers and Keith chuckles.
"Katie, it's been a week. Plus you ask me this everyday" She smiles and shrugs.
"I'm just worried about you, I feel bad for leaving. I didn't realise so much was going on with you" Keith raises his eyebrows.

"Allura... filled me in on their concerns a little while before I moved back here. They said you were quite solitary and were never open to making new friends. It made me worry for you."

Keith huffs and hugs Katie to his chest.
"I'm fine, just needed a push" Katie giggles.
"Your welcome" Keith smacks her head lightly.

"Oh sorry I forgot, it's your undeniable attraction to my cuban friend" Keith huffs again.
"And before you try to deny it! I'm not as stupid as I look and don't think I don't see you two giving each other the eyes" Keith opens his mouth in offense.

"I do not!" Katie laughs.
"You so do! You might aswell have. 'Lance you dense fuck, I'm a little and I want you to be my daddy' tattooed on your forehead!" Keith pouts.
"I do not, I hardly know the guy!"
"Oh so you're in denial now? Good to know"

Keith pushes Katie off him and stands up.
"Oh come off it Keith. It's so obvious!" Keith snaps his head around to glare. Katie starts laughing and Keith walks through to the kitchen.

"Tea? Coffee?" He shouts and Katie chuckles.
"Tea!" Keith nods and starts to make both some tea. They only really had an hour before they were expected to go so they were just lying around until then. 

Katie headed into Keith's room to look through his wardrobe. Every now and again Keith would let Katie dress him. She liked the fact she could leave subtle hints to Lance that Keith was younger mentally than himself. Keith walked into the room with two cups of tea and a small pot of milk, placing them down on the desk. 

"Do you have to dress me today?" Katie smirks. 
"Of course I do, Lance is going to be there" Keith's eyes nearly pop out of his head. 
"He is?! I thought It was just you, Allura and me!" Katie giggles and shakes her head. 
"Nope! Shiro invited you, me, Allura, Matt, some dude called Adam, Lance, Hunk and Shay" Katie smirks at the obviously panicking Keith. 

"But hey, at least you don't like him right?" Katie smirks at Keith. Him glaring at her in response. 
"What?" She smirks and Keith huffs at her. 
"Just pick a damn outfit" He grumbles and she smiles, eagerly looking through. 

They ended up settling on a light blue jacket, which was actually Katie's, and a white t-shirt with a blue strip going horizontally across the front. Keith was unsure if the jacket would fit since it was not very stretchy but it fit fine. Katie explained it was originally her brothers but she didn't like it. 

Keith found himself with a cute new jacket that day. She made him put on blue jeans and Keith was really confused. 
"It looks cute, by why am I in all blue? I'm over doing it a bit I think" Katie smirks and shrugs. 
"I just thought today was a blue day" Keith raises an eyebrow and knew something was instantly being planned in that pixies head. He giggles a little at himself. 

Raindrops- [Klance/Leith] - Age Regression AUWhere stories live. Discover now