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Keith paced his sitting room with his phone in his hand. Katie was going to leave in 30 minutes and she said to text Lance. Katie found the whole situation pretty cute, but she was getting tired of Keith's complaining.

"Oh my god just text him!" She shouts
"N-NO! I can't, I can't be alone with him!" She huffs.
"You did just fine sleeping on him at Shiro's birthday!"
"That was different! I had slipped, kinda... That reminds me, Allura said I should ask about the videos from Shiro's birthday party? What videos?" Katie smirks.

"I'll show you when you text Lance" Keith groans and dumps himself on the couch.
"Can you do it for me?" He asks holding his phone out. Katie sighs and nods.
"But no funny business" She huffs.
"You're no fun~ okay, 'Hey Lance, Allura is picking Katie up in 30 minutes' There. Sent, see?" Katie shows Keith the phone and he sighs in relief.

"This is going to be terrible, I think he knows I'm a little" He bites his lip and Katie sits up.
"Is that such a bad thing?" She whispers and looks in his eyes. Keith goes to speak but she cuts him off.
"Look Keith, he's obviously into you, a fucking idiot could see that. If he doesn't accept you, which I'm 100% sure he will, he wouldn't have been worth the crush would he?" Keith huffs. Katie always knew what to say and she was always right.

"I guess not, now what are these video's Allura mentioned?" Katie smirks and drops down on the couch.
"Okay, I have a folder you can look through, they're all pictures and videos from that night" Keith nods and raises an eyebrow before grabbing the phone.
"Of who?" Keith asks but freezes when he sees a photo of himself and Lance smiling while talking.

Keith's head instantly snaps around. "Katie!"
"I'm sorry! But look at when you feel asleep!" She takes the phone and clicks on a video. It was of Keith, he was wrapped around Lance like he was the only thing that mattered. And then if only to make it worse, One of Lance's hands were keeping him up and the other one patting his back as he bounced on his feet lightly.

"Nobody except Allura and I noticed him doing that. Look at that and tell me you don't want Lance to be your daddy" Keith pouts and his face goes red. Lance was acting like a daddy to Keith when he was both conscious, and unconscious.

"You're blushing~" Katie teases and Keith hits her shoulder.
"Could you...?" He points to the video and Katie smirks knowing he was asking for the video.
"Yeah" He blushes and she pinches his cheek.
"So... where are you and Allura headed?" Keith asks trying to change the subject.
"The arcade"

Keith nods. "It should be fun" he smiles and she nods. Keith feels himself heat up but doesn't think much of it.
"Yeah i'm really looking forward to it. I really hope we get a photo booth picture" Keith laughs.
"Katie you cheesy little shit" She slaps his arm and he whines.

"Your phone just lit up" She says and Keith quickly grabs it. Katie laughs provokingly but Keith ignores it. His head was really starting to kill him.
"I feel like shit" He complains to Katie but she laughs. "No like actually, I feel ill" To this Katie feels his forehead. Keith wasn't one to get sick often. She shakes her head and bites her lip.
"You're okay, just hot"

Hey, didn't think you would have the balls to text me
Don't flatter yourself
Right okay, I'm heading over early, like now.
What?? Why?
If I stay at home now, I'm on dishes
Yeah 'oh'
Okay, what are even expecting? I have nothing to do here
I have a few ideas

Keith had to hold his blush at how that sounded in his head.

Okay, but don't get your hopes up. I don't even know why you are coming over
We've already had this conversation Keith
I know, I'll just shut up
Good call

Raindrops- [Klance/Leith] - Age Regression AUWhere stories live. Discover now