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Keith was pretty unsure about what was happening. He was unwillingly slipping infront of Lance and he couldn't stop it. But Lance, he was smiling at Keith after he took his medicine, the icky taste still in his mouth. He didn't like it.
"Can I have water?" Keith slurs and Lance's eyes soften. He nods and grabs a blue glass from the drainer.

Keith looks down and glares, clenching his fists.
"Keith?" Keith looks up and Lance walks up to him.
"What's wrong?" Keith's face instantly turns into one of sadness as tears leak from his eyes, faster then you could imagine.

He didn't want Lance to know. He really didn't, but it took no idiot to figure out what Keith was. Lance was going to leave him all alone. Keith thought they were getting along good.

He was starting to like Lance, well starting was a bad way to put it. He was showing more and more interest every time they were to meet.

The tears kept drowning him at the thought of Lance telling Hunk and Shay. Then Shiro would find out and he wouldn't want to be his brother anymore.

"Hey, hey hey. Keith? Hey what's wrong" Lance says in a soft voice almost described as a whisper.
"Y-You k-" Keith was cut off with more sobs, his breaths coming in sharp.

He felt himself being lifted and his legs wrapped around Lances waist. He was slowly bopped up and down.
"Shhh" Lance coos, hoping Keith would stop crying so he could figure out what was wrong. Keith was pushing at his chest, showing he wants to move away.

"You *hic* k-know" Keith cries and it all clicks in Lances head. Keith was upset because he let himself slip and now he knows. Lance nods.
"Yeah bud, I do know. But that's okay" He whispers but Keith continues to sob.

Lance walks to the couch and sits down, arms wrapped around him tight.
"Keith I need you to calm down for me okay?" Keith nods into Lances shoulder and tries to stop crying but it doesn't happen.
"Don't tell..." Keith says inbetween small sobs and Lance kisses his head.

"I'm not planning to bud" Keith nods and Lance reaches up to play with his hair. He hums lightly and wipes his sticky face into Lances shirt.
"Hey!" Lance shouts playfully and Keith giggles into his chest.

Keith slowly calms down his breathing and it slows down to his normal timing.
"Keith..?" Lance whispers and Keith lazily looks up, like he was about to fall asleep.
"It's okay that you're a little, I don't judge." Keith smiles lightly before frowning.

"You don't wanna be my friend anymore?" Keith slurs and Lance shakes his head.
"Bud of course I do" Keith hums and lies his head down. Lance growls and goes down to bite Keith's ear.

Keith shrieks and tries to move away. Lance wraps his arms.
"I've got you!" Lance shouts before rubbinng his head against Keith's neck, tickling. Keith giggles like mad and kicks Lance's hand on accident.

His head snaps up to look at Lance, who had his eyebrows raised.
"L-lance!" Keith shouts, an octave higher than normal. "I didn't m-mean to!" Keith bites his lip. Lance pouts his lip and Keith's eyes widen.
"I-I'm sorry!" Lance pulls up his hand.

"You hurt my hand" He whispers, and Keith's eyes widen. He grabs Lances hand gently and places a small kiss to the palm of his hand. Lance smiles down at the younger boy.
"Feels so much better" He smiles, and so does Keith.

"Okay," Lance starts, rolling Keith off of him.
"Let's do something, wanna watch a movie?" Keith's head shot up and he nodded quickly.
"Okay then kitten, go pick something you like" Keith nods and scrambles to his feet.

Raindrops- [Klance/Leith] - Age Regression AUWhere stories live. Discover now