- CHAPTER ONE : First frolics -

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"Aah.. fuck.." Mark let out a heavy grunt as he ejaculated between the younger's thighs still clutching each other.

As he panted slowly, he opened his eyes, gazing at Haechan.
The latter who looked at Mark before with a frightened face was now looking at him blushing, finding him sexy and couldn't stop his body from reacting to the hot and erotic atmosphere that was settling.

Noticing that the older one smiled, finding Heachan cute. He looked down and smiled more at what he was seeing.

"Well, it looks like your body does not agree with your complaints. " he chuckled and then looked at the younger with that seductive smile making him blush violently.

" S-shut up! You fucking perverse ... " he stuttered, looking at everything but the one above him.

But that only excited Mark even more.
His mocking gaze was now changing into an intense look, making the younger more uncomfortable. He slowly approached his head towards Heachan not breaking his stare. The one underneath was now panicking, clutching his eyelids tightly as he could feel the older breath getting closer.

Then he felt his lips pressed against his gently and his face softened. The innocent kiss became deeper making these two more and more thirsty for each other.
Haechan felt a feeling grow in him, that of butterflies in his belly. As the deep kiss continued, he felt that feeling moving towards his lower abdomen as he placed his hands on the back of the black haired's head stroking softly his hair.

Breathless they stopped. Mark looked at the one underneath him who was trying to catch his breath.

"Dare to tell me that you don't want more hyuckie..." he whispered in his ears with his most seductive voice making the tanned blushing like crazy.

Haechan couldn't handle it any longer. There was still hot cum of his hyung on his belly and that fucking feeling in his lower abdomen that was intensifying.

"Y-you can put it inside if you want ..." he said with an almost inaudible voice, avoiding eyes contact with the older above him.

Mark laughed, he had heard very well what the youngest had said but could not help but tease him a bit.

"What? oh man~ I can't hear you hyuckie. " he said grinning.

"I-i said you can put it inside ..." the younger said with a weaker voice than before still avoiding Mark's lovely stare.

The black haired found his dongsaeng too cute and couldn't help it once again.

"Say it again." He said trying to hold back a laugh.

"Aargh Fuck Mark! I said i wanted you to fuck me! " Heachan yelled looking at him.

" There you go." he said before spreading more his legs and penetrating the unaware youngest who bent his head back surprised by the entrance of the imposing member of his hyung inside him.

" Ow!..aaah! wait...! wait! you're too big aanhg...! i stil have to... aah!!" he tried to say but Mark started to pull and push his member inside the youngest faster and faster.
Heachan tried to push back the older to slow him but failed.

"Fuck! haechan your body is so soft." he said while pinned him down on the couch.

" aaah...! mmfh... s-slower... aanh..! p-please!! " he cried out.

Mark started to kiss his neck then to lick and suck his soft spot when he found it.

"hyaa ! This is aamfh...! Fuck! too much !" The brown haired tried to say. But soon the pleasure started to invade him as he began to lose his mind.

Haechan was now panting like crazy, there was tears in his eyes, he was crying out of pleasure because of the one above him.
He could not take it anymore, he had already lost all his senses.

"Ha...! Haaa! I-i came. Aaah...haha, that was fast... How embarasing... " he said softly in a trembling voice trying to catch his breath, which was difficult because his hyung didn't have finished yet.

The latter looked now at the cute mess underneath him while intensify the movement of his hips.

"Hyuckie... hyuckie... you're so cute" he said breatheless then bite the soft spot of younger's neck while cumming inside of him.
Haechan left a soft moan as he felt a warm liquid invade his belly.


" nngh...! Ah! mmfh..." he groaned softly as he felt Mark's cum flowing inside him again. The latter who had taken the younger in doggy-style groaned loudly as he tightened his grip on the waist of his dongsaeng.

"One more time hyuckie..." the black-haired said in a breath as he turned the younger to face him in a swift move.

"No! I can't... I can't anymore Mark!!" he cried out trying to push the older but it was useless.

"The fuck you're saying? Come on! this is the last time okay? let's get it!" he said as he started to spread the younger's legs.

" T-this is already the fourth time!!! It's not okay fuck!! " he yelled, but Mark giggled and ignored the younger's complaints.

Hello guys!!! I hope you enjoyed it 💛
I'm still learning English so sorry for the mistakes hehe.
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