- CHAPTER TEN: Playing with me. -

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"Haechan, I think we should stay friends."

Honestly Haechan had a hard time believing it. How could they stay friends after all happened between them? They couldn't pretend that nothing had happened. All these moments to love each other would be difficult to forget.

"So what did you say?" Jaemin asked Haechan. They were in the kitchen of the Dream's dorm, preparing the dinner. Haechan had decided to eat with the Dreams, and was helping Jaemin to prepare the meal.

"I told him that I was okay with that ..." Haechan answered, looking at the floor, sighing.

"What?! How can you be "okay" after everything that happened between you two?! "

" I know ! Of course I'm not okay with that. But I didn't want to argue again with him, and at least we are reconciled now ... "

"Haechan, you two were literally living your love story... It's weird, that he's asking you to stay friends, like that. Besides, he knows that you didn't do anything bad, after Hanjae talked to him ... Nah, there's something wrong with him. "

" Why ? It's normal that he wants to distance after what I did to him ... "

"Stupid! Why do you continue to blame yourself, he said it was his fault, right?? "

" I know but... "

"I'm telling you something is wrong with Mark. I think he wants to play a little with you. " Jaemin cut him off.

" To Play with me ? "

"Yes, but in the good sense of the word, nothing bad. You didn't notice anything strange in his attitude towards you, since he "friendzoned" you? "

"Mmmh not really ... Ah! Maybe ... " Haechan started to blush a little.

" What ? "

"Uh .. Sometimes when we're together it's so embarrassing, as if we didn't know how to react to each other."

"It's normal, you two, don't know how to be friends. You are destined to be more than that. Even in the way you looked at each other. It's so obvious, whenever you are together there is some strong sexual tension. You two are dying to touch each other. "

"W-well, we haven't done it for a long time so ..." haechan said blushing.

"Do you think Mark has been acting like a "friend" since that day? "

" I think ... "

" You think ?" Jaemin said looking at Haechan with a jaded look.

"No ... I mean ... sometimes he does things..."

"What kind of things? "

" Things like.... like when he cuddles me, or when he gets too close to my face. When we were friends he wasn't acting like that. It's a little disturbing ... "

"I'm telling, you he's playing with you." Jaemin said, sighing.

"No, I think he really wants us to be friends, it's just me who reacts strangely, that's all. "

That was what Haechan thought at first, but the more days passed the more he started to doubt. It was really difficult for Haechan to act as a friend around Mark. Sometimes he felt an urge to kiss him, touch him, hug him, like before. He had missed him so much, his sweet words, his kisses, his touch on his body. And the latter wasn't helping him, and was having fun making him blush, staring him intensely, touching him "accidentally", approaching a little too closely. Jaemin was right he was playing with him. And it had become difficult for Haechan.

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