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10:00 pm at SM building.

"You're regretting it, right?" Jeno asked Mark with a smirk. He had observed the behavior of these two all day, and had guessed that something had happened between them. The Dreams had finished their schedule at the SM building, and headed to the parking, to return to the dorms.

"Don't make my day more shitty than it is, Jeno ..." said Mark, sighing.

"What happened this time?" He asked with a small laugh.

"What do you mean, "this time" ?!" Mark raised his eyebrows.

"I mean you are arguing all the time."

" ...not false. "

" So ? "

"He said he was tired of my stupid game." Mark sighed.

" I agree with him. "

"You're supposed to help me, jeno!" Mark said, nudging Jeno.

"Ok, ok. You should apologize, quickly ... Yep! It's the only thing to do. Besides, I'm sure he's not that angry. "

" If you say so... "

They arrived at the parking and took the car to the dorms.

The next day 10:00 am dormitory of 127.

Mark woke up with noises coming from the living room. He got out of bed and saw that Doyoung was not in his bed, so he left the room. He saw Jaehyun, Johnny, and Taeil, in the living room, ready to leave.

" Where are you going ?" Mark asked, scratching his stomach under his t-shirt, still a little sleepy.

"We're going to the SUM cafe, we need to publish another episode of JCC." Johnny answered.

"And we'll do some shopping too." Taeil added, trying to kiss Mark on the cheek.

"Why you didn't ask me to go with you, I want to come too." Mark said with pouting lips, pushing Taeil away.

"You came home late last night, and we forgot. Sorry, next time." Johnny said, putting on his coat.

"You should thank us, you will be alone with Haechan today at the dorm." Jaehyun smirked.

"Why ?" Mark asked with a frown, still pushing Taeil away.

"The others have just left to go shopping and the manager is working at the office. So have fun. "

Then they left giggling.

Mark went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge mechanically, his hand under his t-shirt, yawning. He took a bottle of orange juice, which seemed empty, he shook it, drank the rest of the bottle, and put the empty bottle back in the fridge.

"You should apologize, quickly ... Yep! It's the only thing to do." He remembered Jeno's words.

I wonder what he's doing, is he sleeping? Mark thought as he headed the younger's room. Then he remembered that he had heard him playing video games until late at night, he's probably still asleep.

Mark knocked on the door. Then as no one answered he opened the door, and saw that Haechan was still sleeping. He came in, closed the door and went to see the face of the younger. Mark's face softened. Mark loved to see him sleeping peacefully, his mouth a little open, letting his little breathes pass. Seeing Haechan sleeping, was appeasing Mark. He sat down on the floor next to Haeachan's bed to watch him.

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