- CHAPTER SIX: Idiot -

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"You know, i think a stubble beard would suit you." Haechan was the back leaning against the sink, his back facing the mirror in the bathroom and watching Mark shave his 3-day beard facing the mirror.

Mark laughed slightly, being careful not to cut himself with the razor.

Mark was sexy morning. His messy black hair, his raspy and tired voice of the morning, his tired eyes barely open. Haechan especially loved those days when his beard was beginning to grow back. Mark was attractive.

He was still beardless, his beard was struggling to grow, he was the only one not to shave yet in 127's dorm. He used often as an excuse "It's because I'm the youngest!", which didn't stop others from teasing him a bit about it.

Basically, he knew that his features were softer, effeminate than his Hyungs. He didn't even have an Adam's apple, but he didn't care, he accepted himself as he was, as the others.

Haechan stood there, watching Mark shave, with a small smile on his lips. After a few minutes Mark started to be embarrassed by his gaze on him. But he took care to finish what he had started before pointing out to him, he didn't want to cut himself stupidly.

"It's embarrassing Hyuck, stop staring at me. " he said with a chuckle, after finishing, looking at Haechan through the mirror.

"You're handsome! I'm enjoying it before it's too late, Harry Potter." Haechan insisted on the "Harry Potter" with an exaggerated English accent, when he saw Mark put on his round glasses. Mark looked like an Asian version of Harry Potter with his black hair and glasses. More handsome than the real Harry Potter of course.

Mark smiled at this remark. Haechan was not the only one to tell him that.

"I remember when I was in elementary school, when movies came out at the cinema, all the girls in my class had a crush on Harry Potter. And boys bought glasses like yours to look like him. "

"And you?"

Mark moved closer to the younger.

"Me? Even if I had asked to buy these glasses to my mother, she would send me away, I have no problems of sight."

"No, I'm not talking about that."

Mark was now close, facing Haechan, his hands on the edge of the sink, on both side of Haechan, preventing Him from escaping, looking him straight in the eye.

"Did you have a crush for Harry Potter too?" He asked teasingly, coming closer to the younger's face, eyeing his lips.

A smile formed on Haechan's lips, as he approached the older, guessing that the latter was tempted to kiss him.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He said, stroking the soft skin of Mark's jawline after shaving, before getting a peck on his lips from the latter.

"Why?" He said, giving another kiss.

"Well, let's say you're lucky to look a little like him." He said laughing, as he put his arms around Mark's neck, who took him by the waist while laughing to the younger's remark.

"Ya! you're so mean" he said pretending to sulk.

"Ahaha, Okay. Harry Potter is lucky to look like you... " he said gently before kissing him.

Haechan had no crush on Harry Potter, but could not help but make Mark a little jealous.

He was having fun by making him a little jealous, because Mark was cute when he was. Nothing naughty, he just liked the possessive boyfriend he was sometimes.

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