- CHAPTER EIGHT: Little sun -

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"Okay! Once again before the break." Taeyong said, wiping his sweat. He put the music again.

"Five...six...seven...eight! "

It had been more than an hour since the members of NCT U were rehearsing BOSS choreography for a korean festival, when the break came.

"Okay... that was good...." Taeyong said, catching his breath.

"Finally!! The break!!" Lucas said joyfully before swallowing all the water from his bottle.

Mark was sitting in a corner, drinking his water, trying to regain his strength, when he saw the manager enter the practice room, and walk towards him.

"Mark-ssi, someone asks you at the recording room." Says the manager. Mark winced.

"But Hyung it's the break! "

"You should go, it seems important." The manager said, patting his head.

Mark got up lazly, then went out, heading for the recording room.

He arrived in front of the room, opened the door and saw Hanjae, waiting for him.

"Good afternoon." Mark said closing the door, bowing slightly.

"Good afternoon" Hanjae greeted him in return.

"You wanted to talk to me? "

"Yes, please sit down"

"The break will soon be over..."

Honestly Mark didn't want to talk to him.

"Please, it won't take long. "

Mark sat on the couch next to the door, then looked at him with a bored look.

Hanjae seemed nervous, he cleared his throat, and stroked his neck with his hand. He seemed to be searching for his words.

Just talk, Motherfucker... Mark thought, clenching his jaw.

"You know I'm leaving tomorrow? "

"Yes." Mark answered simply.

" Yes of course. That's not where I should have started... " Hanjae said with a nervous laugh.

We don't have the whole afternoon, asshole... Mark cleared his throat signaling Hanjae to come to the point.

"I.. I wanted to talk about Haechan. "

Mark raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, he looks very depressed lately..."

"And?" Mark snapped.

"And... even if he doesn't tell me why, I feel it's related to what I did."

"And how does it concern me?" Mark got irritated, not breaking his stare.

"You know it, don't you? You know what I did to-... "

" Yes I know. But as I said, how does it concern me? "

This brat...Thought Hanjae sighing.

"I know you're mad at him, he is not in this state for nothing. I just want to tell you that it's not his fault, he didn't want it, it's me who forced him!"

At this moment Mark did his best to keep his cool, he wanted to punch him so hard. That bastard had forced him. Just thinking about it was driving him crazy.

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