- CHAPTER THREE: Embarrassed -

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The next day at 5:00 am the alarm clock rang waking up Haechan and Jaehyun. Jaehyun woke up quickly, unlike the youngest who had a strong headache because of last night. He tried to ignore it and went back to sleep, while Jaehyun was getting ready for the day. When he came out of the shower the younger was still asleep and the 127 had to leave the dorm at 7:00 am so he decided to wake him up himself.

"Haechan-ah! Get up or you'll be late again." he said shaking the younger's shoulder.

"mmh-mm... a little more..." he mumbled in a raspy voice with pouting lips but soon his headache came again stronger than before as he furrowed his eyebrow.

"You have a headache huh? It's your fault, you drank too much with Mark last night. You knew we had a busy schedule the next day, now wake up." he said patting the younger's head, then he went out of the bedroom heading to the dressing room.

Haechan took the opportunity to go back to sleep a little but he fell asleep too long. He woke up startled as he heard the manager's blows at the door of the bedroom.

"Haechan-ah, you better be awake this time." their manager said as he heard the youngest swear behind the door.

"Shit! shit! shit!" Haechan mumbled as he was rushing to the shower.

"Aaish... this kid... Ya! hurry up! You only have 15 minutes before we leave." he said.

"Yes excuse me hyung this is the very last time" he yelled under the shower as he heard the others who were eating their breakfast laugh.

"You said the same thing last time... and be careful in the shower don't slip like an idiot." the manager said lastly.

After showering, Haechan went to the dressing room and put on a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie over a t-shirt. His head still hurting, he went to the kitchen to take pills, in the kitchen he saw Mark taking pills against headache. He stood looking at Mark for a moment, remembering last night. Then Mark looked at him, gulping his pills. He handed Haechan pills but the latter didn't react, still in his thoughts looking at him.

"Good morning?" Mark said shaking the box of pills in front of the youngest, raising his eyebrows.

"O-oh! Thank you! G-good m-morning" he stuttered taking the pills and looking down as he blushed, which made Mark smile but the younger didn't notice it.

Haechan was very embarrassed by the situation, he knew he had to talk to him about it but only succeeds in avoiding him all day. Mark was also embarrassed but tried many time to talk to Haechan about last night but failed as the latter avoided him.

It was the end of their tiring day, Mark thought he could finally talk to Haechan in one of the two cars that brought them to the dorm.

But he was wrong as he saw Haechan get in the other car which surprised even the others members because usually they are always together in the same car. That didn't please Mark. How long would they stay silent? Was he embarrassed that much? or he didn't want to talk to him anymore? It was him who had wanted his dick in his ass, he thought.

"Is everything ok with Haechan?" Yuta asked taking out his headphones.

"Yes... Why?" Mark asked pretending not to understand, leaving the screen of his phone.

"Why he didn't sit with you" Taeyong asked, having heard the conversation.

"I don't know, we don't have to follow each other all the time." he said in a sigh returning to his phone. There was definitely something wrong between them, but tired they decided to shrugged it off.

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