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" Come with us. We'll eat at the restaurant next to the dorm. "

Haechan back-hugged Mark, clutching his cheek against his back, trying to warm up, as heat was escaping from his mouth. It was cold in the parking, and the Dreams were hurrying to their car that would take them to the dorms. Mark loosened his grip on the door handle, as Haechan lifted his head and rested his chin on Mark's left shoulder, waiting for an answer from him.

"No, go ahead without me I'm tired, the practice was exhausting today." Mark said, disengaging himself from the younger's embrace. He opened the door, sat in the front of the car next to the driver, and closed the door in front of Haechan who was puzzled for a moment. He didn't even glance at him, Haechan watched him put his headphones through the glass of the car, worried. He got into the car and sat behind him.

There is no one here, though... he thought as he looked at the empty seat next to him, until Jaemin sat next to him. Jaemin glanced at Mark, and opened his mouth, about to ask him something, but gave up when he saw that Mark had his headphones, his eyes closed, his arms crossed. Was he sleeping? He turned to Haechan next to him.

"So? Is he coming?" He asked by putting on his seat belt, as the car was starting.

"No... he's tired." Haechan turned his gaze to the window.

Maybe he's really tired... Yes that's it he surely is. Haechan thought, trying to reassure himself, and ignore this feeling of worry. He decided not to pay too much attention, as he looked out the window, the lights of Seoul.

The next day, Haechan woke up a little earlier than usual. Which was curious, because he used to be lazy in the morning. But something was preventing him from sleeping.

He prepared himself, for another day of practicing before their comeback.

"Haechanie?! You're already awake, are you ok?" Jaehyun asked, sitting on his bed, still a little sleepy, but surprised when he saw Haechan out of the shower.

"I'm ok, I just had trouble sleeping."

Haechan went out and headed for the closet, to put on some sports clothes. He sighed, searching his clothes slowly. He felt that this day was going to be troublesome, but he felt that the reason would be other than the practice.

After getting dressed, he went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He entered the kitchen and saw Mark from behind trying to make fried eggs. He was alone, the others were still sleeping. Mark was acting strange to Haechan since yesterday. When he was back from the restaurant Haechan had found the Hyungs dining together without Mark. They told him that Mark had gone straight to his room when he returned. Haechan had gone to see him, thinking he was sick, but the older snapped at him to let him sleep. It hurted Haechan who was just worrying for him.

Maybe he feel better now. He thought of getting closer to him.

" Do you feel better?" He asked, looking at the fried egg that Mark was destroying. The latter didn't answer.

Just go away... He thought.

Mark's dark circles showed that he had trouble sleeping, more than Haechan. He didn't know how to reacts to what he saw in the recording room. Why did they kiss? Why did he do that? He wasn't good enough for him? How could he do that to him? He didn't understand. All he knew was that he was in a fucking anger, and Haechan, acting as if nothing had happened, was making him mad.

Mark put his "fried eggs" on a plate, and sat down, starting to chew his breakfast.

Haechan felt uncomfortable as his heart was clenching. Mark was ignoring him? He sat next to him, trying to ignore his heart that was starting to hurt him.

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