- CHAPTER NINE: Friends -

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The next day at 8:00 am, Jaehyun, woke Haechan. The latter had heard the youngest crying in his sleep at several times of the night, which prevented him from sleeping. He didn't like to see the youngest like that, it had lasted too long. He went to the kitchen, leaving Haechan alone in the room.

When he saw Mark, about to eat his breakfast.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jaehyun asked, taking his bowl of rice away from his hands.

" I'm eating breakfast... ?" Mark answered, clearly not understanding the situation. He tried to take back his bowl of rice, but the older removed the bowl even further.

"No, you go see Haechan." He said, sighing.

"Y-yeah, I'll do it after ...." Mark started, but was cut off by Jaehyun.

"No, you go see him now. Do you know how many times I was woken up by his cries? It can't continue like this anymore. You guys need to make up! "

Jaehyun had dark circles that were very showy, because of his milk skin. He wasn't wrong, Mark thought like him. He couldn't stand the thought of making Haechan cry.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to him. "

Mark knew that Jaehyun wasn't joking, he had no choice. He went to Haechan's room.

In Haechan's room.

Haechan was still lounging on his bed, he was tired, his face puffed, his eyes dry and red because he had cried too much. He rubbed his eyes, to moistened them a bit, when he heard someone knocking at the door. Tired he said nothing, thinking that the person would end up entering by himself, in the room. What he did.

Mark closed the door behind him. Haechan hadn't noticed him, he was still rubbing his eyes with his fingers when he heard Mark's voice.

"Haechan. "

A little surprised, Haechan sat down, watching Mark sit in front of him on the bed.

"M-mark I-...." But Mark cut him off.

"Listen, ... Hanjae came to talk to me and he told me everything ..."

Mark looked at Haechan, and saw his eyes suddenly filling with tears, then he burst into tears. Mark started to panic, approaching him, trying to see his face hidden into his hands.

"W-why are you crying? I didn't do anything .....don't cry..." he stuttered.

He didn't know how to act when someone was crying in front of him. He would normally be uncomfortable, but it was Haechan crying in front of him. And it was hurting him. He managed to remove Haechan's hands, which was hiding his face in tears, holding his wrist in his hands. The youngest had lowered his face so that Mark didn't see him, and tears were running down the blanket.

"Please stop crying ..." Mark tilted his head to see Haechan's.

"If you knew ... how much I feel guilty, Mark .... I've hurt you ... I'm so sorry, I'm not sure if I'll ever forgive myself... You deserve so much better than me." He managed to say between his sobs.

Mark stayed silent, astonished at how Haechan was blaming himself. He knew it wasn't Haechan's fault, he was the one who hadn't listened to him. He blamed himself for leaving him like that.

Mark took the younger in his arms.

"It's me who didn't listen to you, it's my fault. I know what happened. Don't worry. I don't like when you cry so please stop." Mark said, stroking his back gently. But his chin on Mark's shoulder, Haechan couldn't stop his sobs, and let himself go.

_Time Skip_

Around 10:00 am Mark woke up, lying next to Haechan, who was hugging him by the waist, his head resting on his chest. Haechan was sleeping and seemed to have calmed down. Mark looked around the room and saw Jaehyun standing in front of the bed, smiling.

"Too much cuteness in this room ..." Jaehyun said, getting softer.

"What you're doing here?" He said blushing a little.

"This is my room, you brat." Jaehyun replied.

"You know, you're disturbing an important moment there." Mark said.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving, but I took pictures." Jaehyun said with a laugh, leaving the room.

This Hyung ... thought Mark, pulling up the blanket to cover Haechan's shoulders. Then he noticed the red face of his Dongsaeng, who had heard everything and was obviously pretending to sleep.

"Ya... you don't sleep, right?" Mark asked the youngest, who blushed more and more, snuggled into Mark's chest, trying to hide his face. Mark smirked, as he had an idea. Then Haechan opened his eyes, laughing out loud as Mark tickled him.

"AAH ... Mark! ... .s-stop! ... AAAH !!" he managed to say between his laughs. But Mark didn't stop, on the contrary, he got on top of Haechan, blocked his wrists above his head with one hand, while his other hand was tickling him. Haechan laughed louder, and couldn't free his wrists, as he felt weak. You know, that weakness feeling you feel in your whole body, when someone is tickling you. Mark gave him no respite, he loved to see him laughing, instead of crying.

"Who did you think you fooled like that?" Mark said, having fun.

"N-nobody !! ... Mark Lee!! Stop that !! ... please.." Mark stopped tickling him and let go of Haechan's wrists.

"I'm glad to see you smiling again, I missed it." Mark said looking down at him with a smile. Haechan smiled back, it was as if a weight had been removed, he felt light again.

" I missed you." He said, putting a hand on Mark's cheek.

Unconsciously Mark approached his face, and Haechan did the same. Their mouths were only inches away when Mark removed himself back, removing Haechan's hand from his cheek. Heachan frowned, not understanding.

"What's wron-..."

"Haechan, I think we should stay friends." Mark cut him off.


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