- CHAPTER FIVE (part one): Flirt -

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The holidays granted by their company had ended, the members were all happy and satisfied with their holidays. They were ready to work even harder for the next few months. After their return they had to prepare for an awards ceremony in Hong Kong, they had been nominated to receive several awards. They would have to perform many of their songs, and practice hard to be able to show their fans good performances.

After what had happened at the restaurant, the relationship between Mark and Haechan had become complicated. Both of them didn't know how to react to each other, but they did not avoid each other. The other members had noticed their awkward behavior when they were together but they were cute.

They felt so many things at once. They were shy but also excited, worried and happy. All of these feelings were too much for them, so they decided not to pay too much attention and focus on practicing for Hong Kong.

On the day of departure for Hong Kong around 2:00 am, in NCT's dorms, members were busy.

"Guys, we're leaving in 10 minutes!" Warned one of the managers to the last members who finished preparing themselves.

All were ready to fly to Hong Kong with excitement. Some were already waiting in the car, others were helping the staff to put the last suitcases in trunks of the cars.

"Hey! Do you already have a roommate for the hotel?" Mark asked, sitting next to the youngest in one of the cars.

"No. Do you want to share one with me?" Haechan asked smiling shyly. Mark smiled back and nodded, putting his belt as the car started heading for Seoul Airport.

It was very early in the morning when they arrived at the airport, so no crowd of fan. They passed without difficulty. Then they took their flight.

Arriving at the hotel, the managers gathered members and staff in a room to explain how their schedules in China would happen. Then they went in their rooms.

Mark and Haechan, before unpacking, fell asleep on their beds for a while, tired of the journey.

The youngest woke up around 2:00 pm. He saw Mark asleep on his bed, still dressed. He slowly got up from his bed, he went to refresh himself in the bathroom and started unpacking, when Mark woke up.

"Mhmm ... what time?" He asked, still asleep, stretching his arms, sitting on the bed.

"2:00 pm, are you hungry? We didn't eat yet." Haechan said taking out some stuff from his suitcase.

"Yeah..." Mark answered rubbing his face with his hands, blinking a few times trying to wake up.

"We will order after. Unpack your stuff while waiting." Haechan said. Mark was starting to do as the youngest, when his phone went off.

It was Taeil, he answered.

"Taeil wants us to eat with him and Johnny in their room" Mark said after he hung up.

"Cool! we'll go after that." Haechan said.

Then Mark looked at Haechan and smiled. It had been a long time since they had been alone since the episode of the restaurant, he thought.

A few minutes passed and they started to glance at each other, smile, then laugh for no reason.

"Ya! Why are you laughing?" Mark asked laughing, raising his eyebrows.

"It was you who started laughing first..." Haechan replied with pouting lips, making Mark smile and bit his lower lip, thinking of the taste of the lips of the younger.

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