- CHAPTER FIVE (part two): Lovers -

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"Oh God!! Fuck!!" He yelled putting his hand on his heart which almost stopped for a moment.

"Fuck Mark, you scared me! what are you doing?!!" He asked with a frown.

"Relax, I was bored by myself so I came to shower with you." He said calmly, wetting his hair.

"Couldn't you wait until I finished?!" Haechan asked with a sigh, removing the shampoo from his hair.

"No, plus we waste less water, think about the planet!"

"What's that excuse?!"

"It's not an excuse ... Hey! help me with my back."

"You stupid..." Haechan mumbled rubbing Mark's back with soap.

"Wah... seriously? The water is too hot." Mark winced at the contact with the water.

He didn't understand how the younger could showers at this temperature.

"It's perfect like that! It's you who came to wash under MY shower, don't complain." Haechan replied.

"Yeah whatever..." Mark said.

After a few minutes the younger started singing again, still rubbing Mark's back.

Mark closed his eyes. Honestly he didn't want this shower with Haechan to end. He had already taken showers with him before, but this one was... different?

He got used to the water that was too hot for him, as the muscles of his body relaxed at the touch of Haechan's hands on his back, and the pleasant sound of his voice.

Who would want this moment to end? He felt so good.

Too good.

Huh...? He thought, feeling a growing pain at his crotch. He looked down.

"Shit..." he thought aloud.

The younger frowned.

"What? what is it ?"

Mark turned to face the younger, who turned bright red.

"I'm hard..." he said, looking away, embarrassed. Haechan blushed at what he was seing, covering his mouth.

"M-mark! Are you serious? You couldn't hold back?!" Haechan stammered, astonished, seeing the sex of Mark become bigger and bigger.

"I-it's your fault..." Mark blushed, placing a hand on his nape.

"How it's my fault ?!!" He had trouble looking at Mark in the eye because of his "thing" that had grown to an amazing size.

"You touched me, now take your responsibilities!" Mark said.

Haechan was embarrassed as fuck, and couldn't believe his ears.

"B-but it was just the back ?? !! A-and it's you who wanted me to rub your back !!!"

Mark winced, his crotch was starting to hurt him. Haechan noticed.

"I-i'll let you handle this alone ..." He wanted to get out of the shower but Mark held him by the arm. He pulled him towards him, and began to kiss his neck.

"Please stay." He whispered between two kisses.

"What do you want me to do..." he asked, already knowing the answer, as he began to moan at the touch of Mark's lips on his neck.


The shower gradually filled with steam, the air was mixed with water increasing the breathing of the two bodies kissing each other. The atmosphere became more stimulating and exciting as their heartbeats accelerated with each kiss, while the hot water still dripping on their bodies increased their sexual tension.

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