Chapter 10 Dinner with the Dads

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"So how was the date?" Amrin joked

Raiza gave her a burning look.

"Wow! That bad then?" she smiled.

Raiza shook her head in silence as she turned to her laptop losing herself to work. It had been more than an hour since she returned to her work after dropping Gyan to his hotel. Her mind flooded with memories triggered by Gyan's behaviour that morning.

"Why am I so affected?" she thought as she took a deep breath. "He reminds you of Siddharth" a voice in her head replied "His looks, his behaviour, and his dark desire for you are all so similar to the man who made our life miserable for a decade" it continued. The image of her ex-husband filled her mind.

"Can I get you something to drink" he had asked. She looked at him surprised and shook her head. Her father and Siddhartha's father had stepped out for a smoke leaving them alone. Her father never smoked but it was an opportunity for him to spend time with his friend and she wanted him to have a good time. She sat with the man who made her uncomfortable.

"Are you scared of me, little Raiza?" he questioned.

"No," she said softly.

"Lair" he whispered in her ears.

She felt electricity run through her at his words. She gulped and stayed quiet.

"Do you remember our childhood together?" he questioned.

She shook her head without looking at him.

"I use to carry you around all the time. You were so tiny and fragile. I would keep you close to me even when I slept. Your mother thought it was love at first sight for me. She used to tease me that you will break my heart if I loved you so obsessively." his declaration made her head turn.

She was staring into the dark depths of his eyes and recognized something she didn't understand. It scared her and excited her. She couldn't break the eye contact. He was hypnotic. She felt him move closer to her his breath fanning her face. He traced her jawline with his finger and electricity sparked at his touch. She gasped and pushed herself out of the sofa. His spell on her had broken and she wanted to run away.

"Where is my father she wondered?" as she stepped around the sofa to avoid Siddhartha. She walked towards the balcony and heard her father's laughter. Before she could reach the door she was pulled back and held into a strong body. Siddhartha had her confined into his embrace her back pressed to his chest she could feel the warmth from his body. Her breathing quickened.

"Please let me go" she whispered.

"I will if you give me your word to meet me tomorrow" He whispered in her ears. She could hear laughter in his voice.

She shook her head.

"Well I guess we are staying like this then" he responded.

"Our fathers will walk through that door any minute" she reminded him.

"I'm sure they will get us married tomorrow" he replied to her threat.

She shook her head again.

"You will meet me tomorrow then" he repeated.

She shook her head.

He loosened her grip and turned her to face him "Look at me" he ordered.

She raised her head and stared into the dark depths of his eyes "You will meet me tomorrow, I will come to your home to pick you up" he informed her.

Their fathers' laughter interrupted their conversation she used the distraction to squirm out of his grip and walk towards the laughter. He had let her go but her body buzzed with excitement evidence of her fear and desire.

The dinner had ended well he had not approached her or looked at her after their chat. She had relaxed a little but had not let her guard down. He had been exceptionally polite and charming the perfect host. Her father never saw the darkness she had witnessed and it scared her as much as excited her.

"Are you always so silent my dear?" Mr Dhayanan noticed her silence and commented.

She smiled and bowed her head.

"No, she isn't" her father replied and looked at her with concern.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" he questioned squeezing her hand.

"I'm ok, Daddy" she replied softly.

"Maybe she doesn't enjoy our company Uncle" Siddhartha commented.

She glared at him. He was getting on her nerves and she wasn't happy about it.

"Siddhartha don't" his father chided. "don't take his remarks seriously my child" he addressed her "My son doesn't mean to hurt you, he is just teasing you" he comforted her.

She bowed her head without a reply.

"I'm sorry Raiza I didn't mean to hurt you" she heard him except it was not him from a few moments ago. That deep threatening voice had changed to a sweet pleading that poured into her like honey forcing her to look at him. His eyes were soft and pleading. She was shocked and her mouth fell open.

He kneeled at her side and reached for her palms. She didn't move the shock of his changed look and speech had frozen her. He held her Palms softly. "Will you forgive me and accept me as your friend, dear Raiza?" He beseeched her.

She nodded not sure what else to say. He smiled and kissed her palm tenderly. "You are a good person" he declared "Thank you" he added "To make up for my offensive behaviour will you let me take you out for dinner tomorrow please?" he asked looking at her first and then turning to her father. "If that is alright with you, Uncle" he added.

Raiza turned to her father who was smiling "It's between the two of you don't drag me in between" he replied raising his hands in defence.

She realized that her father didn't know the exchange between them a few minutes ago the way he had held her and looked at her. She then turned to Mr Dhayanan who was staring at his son.

"Raiza would you please let me earn my forgiveness?" he requested her again bringing her attention back to him. She sighed and nodded not knowing what else to do.

He smiled and pinched her cheeks "That is a good little girl" he added before returning to his seat opposite her. Her mind and body had turned to mush, confusion loomed and a tiny voice inside her warned her "Stay away Raiza don't go" it said. "No choice I gave my word" she replied silently.

"Daydreaming already" Raiza heard Amrin.

"No, just dark memories" she replied returning her mind to the file on her screen.

"Why are you so unsettled Raiza" Amrin questioned her. "You have handled many clients before why is this working you up? " she added.

"He is flirting with me" she replied.

"Not the first time" Amrin countered "What is it, tell me? " she probed.

Raiza sighed, looking straight at her she uttered "Siddharth".

Raiza's BurdenWhere stories live. Discover now