Chapter 12.

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Carly's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked my eyes to adjust to the light. I looked down and saw a tattooed arm draped over me. I recognize those tattoos, I furrowed my eyebrows and followed the arm all the way up to his face. My eyes went wide. Why the fuck is Nikki here!? I looked around and saw my clothes and his clothes on the floor. I dry swallowed, we didn't. We couldn't have! H-He's married! My mouth went dry, I don't remember any of this! I looked at Nikki's face again. Am I somehow going through psychosis again? I touched Nikki's chest and felt his heartbeat. No, I'm not in the middle of a psychosis. I pinched myself and hissed at the pain, no I'm not dreaming. This is real, this happened. Nikki and I happened again. I looked over at the floor and saw a used condom. Good, we used protection.

"Nikki," I said, nudging him a little. "Wake up," I said, he groaned a little and scrunched his nose up. He's so cute when he does that. "We need to talk," I said. Nikki opened his eyes and yawned. "Good morning," I said. He smiled. "Morning, Starry Eyes." He said, pulling me closer to him. "Did we-" "Yes, we did." He cut me off. "Were you also high for whatever reason?" I asked. He chuckled. "Nope, just really wanted you, that's all." He said.

What blows my mind is that he's not even concerned that he did this with me! He's married! I know I do this with Vince, but that's different! "Nikki, what about Brandi?" I asked. I felt him stiffen up against me. "Fuck," he muttered. He got up. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He exclaimed, gathering his clothes. I got up and walked over to him. "Nikki, calm down! Just take a deep breath." I said, resting my hands on his biceps. He breathed out and looked me up and down. "I can't calm down when I'm looking at you completely naked." He said. I let a chuckle escape my lips. "Sorry," I said and walked over towards my closet and got a shirt out. I threw it on and grabbed my panties from the ground. "Better?" I asked.

He tilted his head to the side. "That's my shirt!" He exclaimed. I looked down. "No, it's not!" I replied. "Yes, it is! I remember looking for it for so long! Give it back!" He laughed. "No, it's mine!" I said, wrapping my arms around myself. He laughed. "Fuck, you made me forget about Brandi again! How do you do that?!" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry!" I replied. "You're like a drug, you know that?" He asked. "I could say the same to you," I said, smiling at him.

He put his boxers back on. "What the fuck am I going to do? I have a kid on the way!" He said. "Wait, are you sure she was being honest?" I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I saw the look on her face, I heard how she was struggling with finding something to say, maybe she was lying to get you to stay?" I suggested. He stayed silent for a second. I think I crossed the line with what I said. "That bitch!" He exclaimed. My eyes went wide. "Hey, it's just a theory, let's not go–" "Come with me!" He said and got the rest of his clothes on. "Come with you where?" I asked. "To my house! I'm going to confront her." He said and got his shoes on. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, that's between you and her," I said.

"Please? When I blow up, because I know I will, I need someone to calm me down." He said. I sighed. "Okay, okay. Fine." I said. I turned back around and grabbed some jeans. I felt Nikki pinch my ass. I whipped around. "Hands to yourself, sir," I said. He chuckled. "That's impossible when it comes to you." He said. I slipped my jeans on and grabbed my hairbrush and quickly ran it through my hair.

I walked into the bathroom and wiped off any excess makeup off my face and just put on some mascara so, I don't look dead. I slipped on some black flats and walked into the living room. "Hurry up!" I called for Nikki. He walked out of my room and smiled at me. "Do you by any chance have any pregnancy tests here?" He asked. "Uhh, maybe. I haven't taken a pregnancy test in a while." That's a lie. I had to take one a few months back because I had a scare with Vince, again. He needs to learn to wrap it up.

I walked into my bathroom and grabbed it out of the cabinet. "Luckily, I do," I said and handed it to Nikki. "Why?" I asked. "Going to see if Brandi is actually pregnant, I want proof." He said. I raised my eyebrows. "This is going to get nasty, I imagine," I said. "Oh, yes it is." He said.


"Holy shit, this is your house?!" I exclaimed as I got out of Nikki's car. "Yeah, I know. It's huge. But, it's what Brandi wanted." He said and rolled his eyes. He walked up to the front door and I quickly followed, he unlocked the door and walked in. "Brandi!" He called out. I shut the door behind us and felt the nerves building up inside of me. Why the fuck did I come here with him? Brandi walked out and as soon as she saw me, she gave me a dirty look. "Why is she here?" She asked.

"Are you actually pregnant?" Nikki asked. "What? Of course, I am, why are you asking?" She asked. "It just seems pretty convenient that you're pregnant when I was going to divorce you." He said. "Nikki, this is stupid." She said. "Take a pregnancy test, right now. If you're really pregnant." He said and held out the box. Her face went pale. "No, I'm not going to prove myself to you." She said, crossing her arms. "Well, if you are pregnant with my kid, I want to see so, we can be happy together." He said and put on a fake smile.

She took a deep breath. "Why is she here?" She asked again. "She has no right to be here, she's the one who abandoned you." She said. Ouch, that one hurt. He's been telling people I abandoned him? Well, I guess that is what I did. "She's my best friend, that will never change. She can be here." He said. I had to fight back my smile. "Just take a test and we can go back to being our happy little family." He said. She played with her wedding ring.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked, pressing more. "I don't want to!" She exclaimed. "Why?!" Nikki yelled. "Because I'm not pregnant!" She finally exploded. Nikki laughed and tossed the pregnancy test on the coffee table. "I fucking knew it." He said, angrily. "You tricked me." He added on. "I don't want to lose you!" "You don't want to lose my bank account, that's what this is about! I buy you everything you even think about, you don't love me!" He replied.

I heard Gunner starting to cry upstairs. I frowned and snuck away from them and up the stairs. Jesus, this house is huge! I followed the sound of the crying and saw Gunner in the middle of his bedroom. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, it's okay. Don't cry, bub." I said and sat next to him. I put him in my lap and grabbed some of his toys and handed them to him. "It's gonna be alright, babe. Don't worry." I said and kissed his head.

Gunner and I played together for a while until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the room. I looked over at saw Nikki walking over. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked, looking up at him. He sat down next to Gunner and me. "She signed the divorce papers," he breathed. "She's going to stay with someone for a few days and she's leaving Gunner with me." He said. "Well, that's good," I said. "She's going to come back to start getting her stuff together. So, we're completely over." He said.

I bit my lower lip to hide the smile. "You can smile, go ahead." He chuckled. I smiled wide and he laughed. "I really am sorry it didn't work out, though," I said. "I know you are, you always wanted me happy even if you weren't." He said. He looked down at Gunner and lifted him up. "It's just gonna be me, you and Carly for a bit, Gunner." He said. I looked over at him. "And me?" I asked. He smiled. "I mean, yeah. If you want to stay here with me, I wouldn't object." He said.

I laughed lightly. "Are you asking me to stay with you, Sixx?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I am." He said. I nodded. "I would love to stay here with you," I said. He smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. Gunner giggled as he did which made me smile. I don't know why I was so scared to see him again.

Everything is absolutely perfect, everything is falling into place, we're getting back to what we were. Being inseparable, and I like that. I was independent for almost 10 years, I know I can do it now. I proved it to myself. What I want more than anything, though, is Nikki to be by my side once again. I smiled as he started to play with Gunner. God, this is absolutely perfect. This is all I'll ever need.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you want to happen in the next chapter, who knows? Maybe it'll happen! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye🦁)

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