Chapter 48.

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Carly's POV

Nikki just finished painting my nails black, he gently blew on them to make sure they dry. "I know that you always like your nails painted, I finally remembered to bring some down with me, baby." He said. "Today marks 4 months since you've been like this, I miss you more and more each day." He continued. "Your hair is so long, it's so beautiful. I hope when you wake up, you keep it this length." He kept talking to me.

It's been 1 agonizingly long month that I've been like this, watching myself and Nikki. The other boys come see me, too. But, anytime it's just Nikki and I, he loses it. He sobs, he holds my hand, he kisses me, he pleads for me to wake up. It's hard to watch, I want to wake up more than anything. I don't even know if I can wake up, I don't know if I'm dead or what. I really hope I'm not. I don't want to die, I want to be with Nikki. That's all I want, I want to wrap my arms around Nikki so tightly and never let go.

"I'm so excited for when you wake up and we can plan our wedding. I want us to have a wedding while you still have the baby bump, you'll be absolutely perfect. Glowing." He said and rested his hand on my stomach. "She's moving right now. I wish you could feel, maybe you can. But, it's amazing. We're finally going to have a kid together. After so many years, we're finally having the kid." He said. "She's a strong baby, just like her Mommy." He added on. I smiled a little. I need to wake up.

I sat down next to Nikki and looked at him. He's been slicking his hair back everyday, because he knows I like it. "Nikki." I said. "Baby, I'm right here." I said. For a moment, Nikki looked up, our eyes met. For the first time in a month, I felt my heart beating faster. But, he looked away and looked back at me. So, I'm not dead, right? I just felt my heart beat, I haven't felt that in what feels like forever. "Please, see me, Nikki. I'm right here." I said. He didn't turn his head. I got up.

I felt tears burn my eyes. This is the first time I've started to cry. "Nikki, please see me!" I exclaimed. The tears poured down my cheeks. I looked at myself again. "You have a baby on the way, you have a wedding to plan, you need to wake up." I said. Nothing. More tears ran down my cheeks. "You're tearing Nikki apart, wake up!" I exclaimed. Nothing at all, not even a flinch. I started getting fed up.

"WAKE UP!" I screamed. My nose scrunched up ever so slightly. "Baby? Are you waking up for me?" Nikki asked. He squeezed my hand. I felt the pressure of him squeezing my hand on my own hand. "You're almost awake, come on." I pleaded. Nothing, I didn't move again. "Come on, baby." Nikki cried. Tears ran down his cheeks. He sniffled and looked down at his lap. "Please." He cried quietly. I looked back at myself again. "Wake the fuck up." I said sternly.

Nothing. I felt more tears pour down my cheeks. "You have a wedding to plan, you have a baby girl on the way, why won't you wake the fuck up?!" I exclaimed. I didn't move, nothing at all. "Wake up!!" I yelled. I walked to the end of my bed. "Wake UP!" I yelled. Nothing. I grabbed onto my ankles. "WAKE UP!" I screamed.

And then, my eyes opened up.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🦁)

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