Chapter 28.

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Carly's POV

I sighed as I sat back down on my couch. Nikki went to go pick Gunner up almost 2 hours ago and I'm insanely bored. He's taking forever, I don't understand what's taking him so long. He said it would be 10 minutes, tops! I groaned and took another drag of my cigarette that was in between my middle and pointer finger. I looked down at the tobacco burning, it is kinda fascinating to watch– Fuck, I'm bored!

I finished off my cigarette and rubbed the butt out into the ashtray. I watched as the smoke went up into the air and then slowly disappeared. I leaned back on the couch and huffed. I'm literally dying here, where's Nikki? He knows I turn into a mess without any of his attention. Maybe I could smoke some pot? Nah, I really don't feel like being high like that all by myself. Also, I don't wanna be high when Gunner gets here. Usually, Nikki and I smoke a joint after Gunner is down for bed. And then, we snack on everything in the house.

I got up and walked up to my bedroom and sat down on my bed. I lifted my pillow up and smiled when I saw that familiar picture. I picked it up and held it in my fingertips as I examined it again. I've kept this under my pillow for those 9 years, I looked at it every day. I smiled when I saw Nikki's puffy hair, I kinda miss when he did his hair like that. Now, it's a lot tamer. Either way, he looks absolutely perfect. I can't wait till he gets back here so I can kiss him. I put the picture back under my pillow.

I heard the phone ring and I walked downstairs to the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello," I heard Brandi's voice. I rolled my eyes. "Nikki isn't here right now," I said and went to hang up. "I know, he called me and said he can't pick him up right away, but I have plans. Can you please come and get him?" She asked. "Why would he call you and not me?" I asked. "I don't know, I don't care. Are you coming to get him or not?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll come and get him," I said and hung up. Weird, why would he call her and not me? Even weirder, why is she being so civil with me?

I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my car keys. I walked to my car and got in. Good thing I got a car seat for him a few days ago. I drove to Nikki's old house and parked right outside. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I waited there for a little before knocking again. "Brandi, it's Carly. I'm here to get Gunner!" I called. No answer. I turned the doorknob and it opened. I walked in and shut the door. "Brandi?" I called out again. I sighed and walked further into the house.

I heard some soft moans from Nikki's old bedroom. I furrowed my eyebrows. Was this Brandi's plans? She couldn't have waited till after I got Gunner? "Oh, Nikki." I heard her moan loudly. My eyes went wide. I should've just left them and there but, I started walking towards Nikki's old bedroom. I got right in front of the door and I heard a man's soft moans. They kind of sound like Nikki's. Now, this was the time I should've just left.

But, I opened the door and my jaw dropped. I saw Brandi and Nikki having sex. Brandi looked over and smirked and then Nikki looked over and he froze. "Carly–" I put my hand up and shook my head. "Don't," I said, feeling my heart break. I turned around and started to storm out of the house. "Carly, please wait!" I heard Nikki's voice behind me. I got to the door and opened it and I saw Nikki's hand on the door and he shut it.

"Listen to me, please!" He exclaimed. I flinched at his breath, it smells heavily of vodka. "This wasn't supposed to happen, you have to believe me." He said, his eyes meeting mine. "Just," I started but, soon stopped when I felt myself getting choked up. "Leave me alone," I said as tears streamed down my face. I pushed Nikki's hand off the door and opened the door. I slammed it shut on the way out. I got in my car and quickly drove away. The tears wouldn't stop falling down my face.

I don't even know where I'm driving to, I know I'm not going home. Nikki will go there and he'll wanna talk to me. I don't wanna talk right now, he broke my heart. I know we aren't dating but, I really thought we were going to get there, I had such a good feeling about us. Why do I always get my hopes up? Brandi is absolutely gorgeous, and what am I? A fucking wreck. I'm a mess, Nikki is this perfect person, of course, he would go back to Brandi.

I stopped driving and parked at the side of some road. I put my head on the steering wheel and sobbed, my whole body shook as the tears streamed down my face. I should've just left, that was so hard to see. To see the man I love having sex with another woman, I actually feel physical pain in my chest, it feels like my heart is just shattering into a million pieces, I don't know how much more emotional pain I can take, my heart hurts. I'm so tired of dealing with this. I wiped the tears away and whimpered a little.

I don't even know what to do from here, I don't wanna go home, but that's the only place I can go, but I know Nikki's either already there or on his way there and I can't look at him right now, it'll hurt too much. I can't look in his eyes, I know I'll break completely apart. I don't want to hear his excuses because I know I'll believe him and just forgive him and he'll think everything's okay again. It's not okay, I let him move into my house, I let him in again after 9 years of completely blocking him out and he does this to me?

Fuck this, I'm so fed up. I thought things would be different, I thought he changed. He hasn't, he proved that to me today. I can't believe I was dumb enough to trust him again, has everything he said to me for this past almost 3 months just been a lie? Did he just want to fuck me again? Too many thoughts are running through my head, I don't have a solid thought. Well, I do have one and that is that I'm absolutely heartbroken.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay, bye🦁)

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