Chapter 14.

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Carly's POV

"Okay, go get some clothes and we can go back to my house," Nikki said. I smiled and leaned over, I kissed him quickly before getting out of the car. I jogged up to my front door and unlocked it. I walked inside and into my bedroom, I got my book bag from the closet and got some clothes and undergarments. I walked into my bathroom and got my makeup bag and got my toiletries. I put my hairbrush and straighter in the bag and zipped it up. I put it on my back and carried my makeup bag out. I walked outside and shut my door. I locked it and started to walk towards Nikki's car again, then Vince's car pulled up. No, no, no! Not now!!

Vince got out and walked over to me. "Where have you been? You haven't returned my calls." He said. "Vince, now is a really-" "What is he doing here?" Nikki cut me off. He got out of the car and walked over to me. "Oh, hey." Vince said, rolling his eyes. "Carly, what is he doing here?" Nikki asked me. "Uh," I started. No excuse will work, I just have to tell him the truth. "Vince and I stayed in touch." I said. Nikki laughed a little. "So, you don't talk to me for years, but you keep in touch with him!?" He exclaimed. "And, you never told me where Carly was at? For 9 years, you kept it a secret!?" He said, raising his voice and turning towards Vince. "I'm-" "For how long?" He cut Vince off. I sighed and looked down at my feet. "7 years." I said. Nikki didn't reply right away. "Nikki, I'm so sorry." I said. "So, for 7 years, you knew where she was and you never fucking told me?" Nikki spat. "You knew how torn up I was about her leaving, I actually cried every damn day when she left and you knew and never told me!?" He yelled. "Man, I didn't mean to make you upset-" "Fuck you, Vince! You should've fucken told me!" He yelled.

"Nikki, please calm down," I said. "And, what were you guys doing for those 7 years? Just being friendly?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nikki-" "No, tell me the truth." He demanded. I felt tears fill my eyes. "I-I can't," I said, my voice shaking. "And why's that?" He asked. "Because if I tell you, you'll hate me," I said, tears threatening to spill. "Were you sleeping with him?" Nikki asked. I dry swallowed and slowly nodded. "Wow," he scoffed. "Nikki, it's just sex. Nothing more." I said. "Yeah, I swear, Nikki. We only had sex, and it's over now." Vince spoke up. Nikki shook his head. "Why would you reach out to him and not to me? Supposedly the only man you've ever love?" He asked he has tears in his eyes. All I ever do is hurt him, I just make him eater angry or upset. "I-I thought you'd be better off without me in your life," I replied. "Vince, leave," Nikki said.

Without a word, Vince quickly walked to his car and drove away. I looked back at Nikki again. "Why the fuck did you choose him over me?" He asked. "I didn't choose him-" "Bullshit, Carly! You did! You had a choice to call me or Vince, and you called him!" He yelled. I flinched and bit my lower lip. "Is this all just a game to you!? Do you just have fun messing with my head!?" He yelled. I shook my head. "No!" I cried. "Saying you love me while you're going behind my back and screwing Vince!?" He yelled. "That's over! As soon as soon as I heard that you felt the same way as me, I wrote off Vince!" I replied. "You're a liar, you don't love me. If you loved me, you wouldn't have fucked Vince for SEVEN FUCKEN YEARS!" He screamed. I flinched hard and started crying. "I do love you, Nikki! I never loved Vince, it was just meaningless sex!" I cried. "This is so like you, fucking me over. I guess some things never change," he started. "I thought, we both matured. Maybe, this is our chance to finally be together, but you haven't fucking changed!" He yelled. "I have changed!" I exclaimed. "No, you haven't! You're still fucking Vince, you can never be done with him! Ever since you and Vince met, you cannot stay away from him, why am I even here!?" He yelled. "You're here because I love you, Nikki!" I cried.

I held his hands. "You're everything I have ever wanted and more, I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you, I know what I did is fucked up, but I truly did believe that you'd be better off without me!" I said. He jerked his hands away from mine and I fell over and my knees hit the ground. "Fuck you, Carly." He spat and got in his car. He quickly drove away and I covered my face with my hands and started sobbing. Why am I so fucking stupid? Why do I ruin every good thing in my life? I don't deserve Nikki, he's right. I haven't changed. If anything, I've gotten worse. I still do things that hurt Nikki, that makes him angry. We aren't meant for each other, I don't deserve someone as great as him.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🦁) 

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