Chapter 44.

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Carly's POV

I woke up the next day with a stuffed nose and Nikki's arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled and looked down at my hand. I smiled more when I saw the ring on my finger. I played with it a little. It's so beautiful. Nikki's beautiful. I can't believe I finally have a ring on my finger. I looked at Nikki's arm draped over me and saw a ring on his finger, too. The same color as mine, but just a simple band. I took the ring off my finger and looked at it. I saw something engraved on the inside.

"My Little Miss Starry Eyes" I smiled wide and put the ring back on. The ring is even more beautiful now that I know that's on it. I turned over and looked at his sleeping face. I moved the hair that was in his face away and leaned in. I kissed him quickly and laid back on the pillow. "Wake up, baby." I said and nudged him a little. He smiled and opened his eyes. "Good morning, Mrs. Sixx." He said. "Good morning." I said and smiled wide. "Are you happy?" He asked. I nodded. "The happiest I have ever been in my life." I replied. "Good, I love that my girl is happy." He said.

"Do you also have a cold?" I asked. He chuckled a little. "Yeah, I do. It's worth it." He replied. I smiled again. "We gotta plan our wedding soon, babe." He said. I giggled and smiled showing my teeth. "I like hearing that. Our wedding." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I like hearing it, too." He said. I got up and stretched. I grabbed Nikki's shirt from the end of the bed and slipped it on and then slipped my undergarments back on and got out of bed. "I need some smack." Nikki yawned. "Me fucking too." I said. He laughed.

After we both got smack in our system, we did a few lines and then got our day started. I started walking towards the kitchen and I felt really bad. I held onto the wall and rubbed my temple. "Are you alright?" Nikki asked. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "I think I just need to sit down." I said. I started walking to the couch and collapsed. I feel horrible. Nikki rushed over to me. "Carly, what's going on?" He asked, sitting next to me. I shook my head, unable to talk. I could feel my breath getting very shallow, it's almost as if I can't breathe.

"Oh my god, you're turning like blue." Nikki said. I looked down at my body and sure enough, I was going blue. "Your face is so pale, what's going on?" Nikki asked, worry in his voice. I saw that my fingernails are turning purplish. I started getting worried, or as worried as my body is allowing me to be. It's hard to keep my eyes open. I felt really nauseous and started coughing, almost as if I'm choking. "Oh my fucking god, you're overdosing." Nikki said, almost to himself. He got up and ran towards the phone.

I leaned forward and threw up on the floor, my vision is going in and out. I gagged a few more times before I threw up again. I fell back on the couch, unable to breathe. "Carly, stay awake, please!" Nikki exclaimed. I slowly looked over at him but, before I could get a good look at his face, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I was engulfed with darkness.

This is it, this is all I wanted in my life, to be married to Nikki. It finally happened and now I'm dying, this time it's not going to be a close call. I know I'm dying. I'm scared, I want Nikki by my side. I don't want to die, my life is finally going the way I want. Nikki asked me to marry him, I've dreamed of this ever since I met him and now it's being taken away from me.

I miss him already, all the memories of us are flashing through my mind, every single thing. It's almost as if my life is flashing before me. Except, it's not my entire life. Just every moment I've spent with Nikki. All the good times, the bad times, the dates, arguments, the stupid conversations we always had about nothing, the times we spent on the roof, just looking at the stars. But, the ones that are sticking out to me the most are the first time I ever looked into Nikki's eyes for the first time, the first time I ever felt love was when I looked into his eyes.

And the other one that's sticking out to me is yesterday, when he proposed. The best day of my life. Every little detail of that day is flashing before me, from start to finish. The fight, running away, seeing him approach me and when he got down on one knee. We played and danced in the rain all day, it was the happiest I had ever been ever in my life. I am happy that the last moments of my life were good ones, where I was completely at ease.

I will miss Nikki with every single fiber of my being, or lack of being, I guess. I miss him already and I just saw him. The last thing I saw before I died was his worried green eyes, I'm glad that he was the last thing I saw. He was my entire world. He was my sun, moon and all of my stars. He gave me a purpose to live, he was the reason I didn't end it all when I was 16, he gave me an amazing life. And I will forever be thankful.

(A/N: ...Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote, it's greatly appreciated. Feedback is always welcome & encouraged. Okay bye)

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