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Five Years Later

Carly's POV

"Hurry up!" I called to Gunner, Storm and Penny. I heard footsteps running towards the kitchen. "Dinner's ready." I said and turned to face them. "When's Daddy gonna be here?" Penny asked, climbing up on her chair. "He should be here soon, babe." I said and put plates in front of the three of them. "I miss him." Gunner said. "I know, I miss him, too." I said and smiled. I sat down at the kitchen table with my plate and I heard the front door being opened.

"Daddy!" Storm exclaimed and hopped down. Gunner and Penny ran after her and I looked over and saw Nikki bending down and hugging the three of them as ran over to him. I smiled. "Hey! Have you been good for Carly today?" Nikki asked. "Yeah, we've been good." Gunner replied. They broke away from Nikki's embrace and ran back to the kitchen table. I stood up and ran over to Nikki and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, Starry Eyes." He said as his arms wrapped around me. I smiled and leaned back. "I missed you." I said. He smiled. "I missed you more." He said. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. "Gross." Gunner grumbled. I laughed against Nikki's lips and leaned back. He leaned down and kissed my baby bump. "I missed you, too, baby boy." He said and stood up straight.

I smiled. "Dinners ready, come on, babe." I said. "Alright, I'll be right there." He said and kissed my head. I walked back out to the kitchen and sat down. "When's Decker suppose to be here?" Storm asked. "Soon, just a few more months." I replied. "I'm excited to be a big sister." Penny beamed. I smiled. Over these 5 years, Nikki and I have been absolutely perfect. Gunner's 8 years old, Storm is 6, and Penny just turned 5 last week, now we're expecting another baby. A baby boy and I couldn't be happier.

Nikki walked in and sat down next to me. "I was thinking after dinner, we could all sit outside." Nikki said. "Will you play with me on the swing set?" Gunner asked. "Of course." Nikki replied and smiled. I smiled and took a bite. "How was work today?" I asked. "It was fine, Vince is a pain in the a–" Penny gave Nikki a look. "Butt. Pain in the butt." He said. Penny smiled. "What's been going on with you two?" I asked. "No clue. But, he's making me livid." He said and took a bite.

"I'm sorry, babe." I said. "What's wrong with Uncle Vince?" Penny asked. "Is he being mean to Daddy?" Penny asked me. "No, sweetie. They don't don't agree on a few things. That's all." I replied. Penny smiled. "Okay, good." She said and took a sip of her juice. "Can I get more juice?" Storm asked. "After you finish eating." I replied. She whined. "Storm, what did I say about whining?" Nikki asked. "It gets us nowhere." She replied. "Don't whine, baby. You'll get more juice after dinner." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I smiled as I watched Gunner and Nikki play on the swing set. Nikki ran over to Gunner and lifted him up. Spinning him around, making Gunner laugh like crazy. My smile got bigger. "Mommy," Penny said. I looked back at Penny. "We're having tea." She said. I smiled. "I know, I'm just looking at your Daddy." I said. "Mommy?" She asked. "Yes, baby?" I asked. "Why do you and Daddy kiss? Doesn't he have cooties?" She asked. I laughed. "Some boys have them, but not Daddy." I replied. She smiled. "Good, I like when you and Daddy kiss. You look so happy." She said. I smiled and kissed her head. "You're a sweetheart, baby." I said.

Nikki walked over at sat down with Penny and I. "If you're sitting here, you have to have tea." Penny said. "Alright, pour me a cup, Princess." He said and kissed her head. Gunner started swinging on the swings and jumped off. "Can I do that?!" Storm exclaimed. "No." Nikki and I said at the same time. She pouted. "How come Gunner can?" She whined. "Baby, you're whining again." Nikki said. She pouted and ran over to get on her bike.

Penny poured Nikki a cup and he lifted it up and took a sip. "Did you make this yourself?" Nikki asked. She smiled and nodded. "It's amazing!" Nikki said. She giggled. "Thanks, Daddy." She said and took a sip of her own. "Penny! Come play with me!" Storm said as she rode past us on her bike. "Okay!" She said and got up. She ran after Storm. "I guess tea time is over?" Nikki asked. I laughed a little. "I suppose." I replied.

Nikki wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "I love you, baby." He said. "I love you, too." I said and smiled. Nikki got up and walked away. "Uh, bye?" I laughed a little. I heard the beginning of Starry Eyes being played. I smiled and Nikki walked back over. "Not this song again." Gunner groaned. I laughed. Nikki sat down next to me and kissed my cheek. "You'll always be my Little Miss Starry Eyes, you know that right?" He asked. I smiled again. "You'll always be my Home, you know that right?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me deeply.

These 5 years have been absolutely perfect. I'm so glad I came back in 1992, it was the best decision I ever made. Nikki is the love of my life, we finally have our perfect family, we're finally married. Just a few months ago, we celebrated our 5th anniversary. That's crazy to me, if you told me that this would be my life in 1983, I wouldn't believe you. Everything worked out the way I wanted for once. All because Nikki and I got A Second Chance at love.

Nikki broke the kiss and smiled at me. "Can we please have sex after the kids go down for bed?" Nikki whispered in my ear. "I was about to ask you the same thing." I replied. He chuckled. "I swear, you just get more and more beautiful each year." He said. I smiled. "You get more and more handsome each year." I said. Nikki and I looked out in the yard and watched the kids running around and playing. I smiled and looked down at the wedding ring on my finger.

I just can't believe how happy I am. For once in my life, I'm completely at ease and I don't need drugs to do that. I'm happy on my own. Nikki makes me so happy. These kids make me happy. I'm just.. happy. It's an odd feeling, I've never been happy. Most of my life was hell, I never thought I would even live to be this age. I'm so happy I'm here. I'm so thankful for Nikki, I always will be. Because of him, I got out of my parents house and he gave me all of this. I know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

I looked at Nikki who was smiling and watching the kids play. I'm so in love, it's like I fall in love all over again everyday. I leaned over and kissed Nikki's cheek. He looked over at me. "Why are you smiling so much, Starry Eyes?" He asked. "Just thinking about my life and how it turned out. I'm truly happy." I replied. He smiled. "I'm glad because I am, too." He said.

(A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY!! I had so much fun writing this, I'm honestly a little sad to see it go, but I will be writing a "prelude" to "I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend", it's going to be all about how Carly and Nikki became friends in the first place, keep an eye out for that! I hope you enjoyed this story! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🦁)

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