Endless Horizon

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'"I'm sorry"
Those were the last words he forced out before he completely disappeared.
When he woke up, he found himself staring up at an orange sky, lying in what he presumed was water.
'Is this death? Or something else.'
Peter slowly worked his way up and when he stood, he looked out to see a large expanse of orange land.
Land. Sky. Orange. Those were the only things he could identify there. There was nothing but orange.
No other life forms. No buildings. No crashed spaceships, destroyed structures. Nothing.
He hoped for an answer, anything other than the oblivian.
"MR STARK?" No answer.
"DR STRANGE?" Everything still.
"AUNT MAY?" No comforting embrace.
"...Tony?" Silence.
He collapsed into the water. He tried to hold it in, hand covering his mouth as he looked at his reflection in the silk water.
He looked the same yet different. Any injuries from the battle were gone and his suit was completely fixed.
However, his face was red and tear stained, bags under his eyes and his hair a complete mess.
He choked out a sob as he remembered dieing in Tony' s arms, begging to be saved, his eyes filled with fear, while his mentors eyes were filled with shock and desperation.
He remembered gabbing onto him, clinging to him as he faded away. He choked out another sob.
He remembered falling to the ground, still clinging to the person he viewed as a father. He was full out crying now.
He felt every cell of his body disintegrate, his enhanced healing just postponing the inevitable.
He remembered looking up at the sky, the realisation that he was going to die hitting him like a train.
He remembered looking up at the billionaire, his mentor, his father, apologising for... well, everything and nothing at the same time.
He remembered fading out of exsistance, his body slowly turning to ash.
He cried for what felt like hours and must have fell asleep, because the next thing he knew was that he was waking up in the water, much like when he first woke up.
His face was covered in dried tears and his throat was hoarse. However, now that he was thinking about it, he realised this time he was on the water.
He stood up and took a tentative step forward and, to his surprise, stood on the water.
He wanted to call out again but knew no one would answer. He looked out and decided what to do.
So he started walking. And walking. And walking.
He walked straight out into the endless horizon.

A/n Sorry, it was kinda short and I wasn't sure how to end it. I only came up with this idea after watching Infinity War and just wrote the entire thing out. So,

Until the next update.
Later xxx

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