6 - bakugo

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"she broke up with you, right?"

"yeah, good job genius." i retort back to the blonde haired boy that was pacing around my dorm room.

bakugo sighed heavily and sat down in front of me. "there's honestly nothing you can really do; it's definitely not a good idea for you to keep chasing her."

"i know, i know."

i see momo everyday, but it feels like god is just trying to push this feeling deeper and deeper into my heart. it seems like every corner and at every hallway, i some how end up bumping into her, and that reoccurring sense of guilt and sadness just hits me, tears welling up and putting me on the verge of crying.

i could go on for an entire morning feeling somewhat decent, but whenever i just see her perfect face, her elegant features, her delicate black hair in the wind... i just feel like breaking down.

"hey, hey! what's wrong?" bakugo shakes me, as i feel tears quietly rolling down my face. i must have zoned out again, and started unintentionally crying.

"no, it's nothing. im so sorry for wasting your time, bakugo. i don't deserve you." i mutter quietly, slowly wiping away my endless tears.

he hands over a red napkin, one probably kirishima gave him. "please don't cry. im sure you'll find someone better."

"i doubt it. and even so, i'll probably take ages to just get over her..."

"what about kaminari? he still cares about you, you know?"

oh yeah.. kaminari.

"i feel bad friendzoning him. i'm unsure if that bond's still there. won't he think i'm desperate for wanting to be in a relationship?"

"jiro, look. you're a mess right now. im sure any affection will make you happy, but just not momo's affection. if she's done with you, she's done. you have to think the same way. it's not easy, but time heals all wounds. don't rush anything, be careful, and stay positive. do you know how terrible it feels to look at how awful you are right now?"

wow, when did bakugo become so wise?

"im sure kaminari would be delighted to hear how you're feeling. it's not good to bottle up your feelings, nor is it good to watch your close friends suffer in silence." and with that, the blonde haired boy got up and ruffled my hair.

"keep the napkin, kirishima has loads of them. stay positive, jiro san." bakugo opened the door to leave; a creak letting in the corridor light that shone dimly admist the navy blue background of the night sky.

thank god he visited, i don't think i realised how shitty i was behaving these past days. or was it weeks?

i don't know anymore, i've already lost track of time and my conscience.

with bakugo's advice lingering in my mind as i climbed into bed, a sense of hope dawned on me for the first time in forever. i might just get a good night's sleep.

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