2 - endure

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the break up was the only thing that lingered in my mind as i went to sleep and when i woke up.

i didn't have the energy nor motivation to do anything. i just felt like a hollow shell looming over everyone and everything. i emotionlessly got ready for school and headed towards campus.

i sped towards the 1a classroom faster than usual, avoiding all eye contact from anyone. usually i'd be waiting for momo and we'd walk together, but.. yeah, it isn't the case anymore.

"jiro san! wait up!"

a voice chirped behind me; i turned around and was greeted by a breathless kaminari.

"jiro, why didn't you show up for band practice? we were all waiting for you! well, i mean, bakugo, tokoyami and i were waiting for you. yaomomo oddly didn't show up but we just assumed she was having her beauty sleep. girl stuff, y'know."

man, even hearing her name pained me. it felt like her presence would always be attached to me no matter what. my heart ached as i choked out a reply.

"it must have completely slipped my mind, im really sorry to keep you guys waiting! i'll make it up to you, i-i really need to get going now. see you during class, kaminari kun."

i slipped past kaminari, who seemed like he was going to reply, but i couldn't bare being reminded of momo any longer. i don't know if i can endure this any longer.

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