14 : her

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"recovery girl! is she awake? i need to see if shes okay."

"relax, yaoyorozu, she's fine. the stress she's been penting up must have gotten to her."


light shyly shined through jiro's vision as she slowly raised the heavy blinds that were her eyes; gradually adjusting the foreign brightness.

those two familiar voices. a warmth surged through her, tingling her brain awake.

wait hold on, yaoyorozu?

that same warmth instantly turned into a blizzard - a cold sensation hit jiro like vodka shooting down one's throat.

jiro abruptly sat up, her head pounding. she winced uncomfortably, shutting her eyes back tight to relieve the sudden pain.

"jiro! you're awake."

jiro rubbed her eyes, before slowly raising her head and making hesitant eye contact with the black haired girl that stood by her bed.

being called by her last name by her of all people, still didnt sit right with jiro. the last time she was called kyoka was.. well it actually wasn't by momo, it was by kaminari. accidentally. probably.

regardless, she replied to the pony-tailed girls concern by shifting her gaze, trailing it towards the windowsill by her left. not that she was trying to be rude, just that she didnt have anything good to say to her. what was someone supposed to do in this situation? laugh off all the pain and misery? tch, heartbreak wasnt something to be shrugged off.

"is everything alright with you recently? how have your grades been doing?" yaoyorozu inquired, raising her voice a bit to get jiros attention.

jiro twiddled with her earphone jacks in her left hand, sighing slowly so the latter wouldnt notice. after all this time, after all the yearning and solemn lovesickness - all she had to ask was ' is everything okay ' ? but jiro couldn't blame the latter for that, she accepted the relationship ending with a smily face in a text. clearly she was okay.

just fucking kidding - no, in fact, she was not okay; everything is not alright, ms vice president.

"its manageable." was all jiro could utter at that moment.

"good. that's good."

the layer of tension between them was immeasurably thick. just a couple months ago they were hugging and kissing when no one was looking, being utterly in love and longingly gazing into each other's eyes with adoration, stealing glances in the middle of class. now, they were practically strangers. unspoken and unacknowledged barriers formed between them as time went by. on a good day for jiro, they'd exchange 1 or 2 words in class.

where did she go wrong?

suddenly, yaoyorozu's phone buzzed in her pocket.

you're the rocker girl that created my whole life, created my whole life, created my whole love life

that song.

jiro had composed that song for her... it was still her ringtone.

jiro glanced slightly to the right, a small ray of hope gleaming in her eyes. did this means something? could there underly a small chance of them potentially going back to where they came from? could this be the one chance she would get back together with her?

"hello shoto!"

todoroki. of all the people that called.

letting her hopes up was one thing, but jiro hadn't thought that they'd be crushed so quickly and instantly. the purple haired girl felt devastated. lost. yearning for feelings to be finally returned once again, yet all hope of that immediately chucked out the window. jiro kicked herself. just what in god's name she thinking?

her emotions fluctuated like the wind-riven waves in a thunderstorm. she couldn't even be bothered to listen to the call yaoyorozu and todoroki were having; the voices and sounds of anxiety, regret, guilt and betrayal shouted and screamed inside her, beating her mental state into a cripple. all this over a girl. just... what in god's name was she thinking?

the door shut.

she left. without a goodbye. maybe she did say goodbye, but jiro had been too caught up in her emotions to even comprehend what was happening outside.

all this over a girl.

sniffles filled the white room, tear drops falling lightly onto the blankets.

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