13 : missing key

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a/n how the fuck did tbis shit get #1 on kamijiro i hate the first few chapters they're poorly written fhsbbdndn

also follow my art ac ig @inverted.pizza shameless plug yahoo

clutching his guitar case that was strapped on his back loosely, kaminari rushed down the hallways of the ua dorms, entering what the other boys deemed the 'forbidden teritories' - their female classmates' dorm areas.

holding his cellphone in his other hand, he occasionally looked up from the screen, double checking and triple checking to make sure he got jiro's dorm room number correct.

his heart tensed up, stretching out his arm to meekly knock on her door.

"come in."

hesistant in opening the door since he knew the latter didn't expect him to be there, the boy shouted in reply, "it's kaminari!"

no response.

"it's practice today, and i was wondering if i could walk down with you to the music room!"

after another short bit of silence, a few seconds of footsteps shuffling emerging from her room, jiro opened the door, face flushed and tightly gripping onto her guitar case.

kaminari smiled, directing her down the hallway. "come on, lets go!"

"sorry i was late to a few practices. it usually slipped my mind." jiro timidly said, walking a bit faster to match his speedy pace.

"its really alright, as long as you show up, we're bound to get stuff done."

jiro looked sadly at the boy in front of her. if only he knew what lurked behind her, then he wouldn't be very 'alright' with her.

as they got closer to the door, bakugo's usually drumming routine started blasting - the music room really should be a bit more sound proof than it is.

"oh, jiro. you came on time." bakugo's husky voice rang.

"yeah.. sorry about that. i was busy."

bakugo glanced at jiro with this hint of amusement, which quickly turned back into look of empathy.

"tokoyami's coming in a bit, start tuning your instruments if you need to so we can start as soon as possible." jiro said, looking away from bakugo's intense gaze.

quiet strumming of instruments danced around the room like meek ballerinas in a studio. the relatively tense atmosphere broke once jiro's phone started buzzing rapidly. the girl reached into the pocket and pulled out her mobile device.

-unknown number-

who could it be? oh no, are her parents in trouble? is this the kidnapper?

shakily, jiro pressed call. 'hello...?'

'hey jiro, this is yaoyorozu.'



she had forgotten she deleted momo's contact from her phone because... well, she didnt want to constantly sulk and read their conversations back when they were still together. it forced her to move on, it semi-worked.

being called by her last name from someone who was so close to her heart made her lips tremble. and momo addressed herself by her last name too. since when did they become strangers?

jiro let out a cough and meekily replied. 'hi, did you need something?'

there was a moment of silence over the line, before momo spoke again. 'look, i know the festival is coming up soon, and that you've been working hard the past few weeks. im sorry i haven't turned up at practice recently, i've been quite busy.'

busy doing what? going on dares with todoroki? yeah, okay.

'i know this'll be quite annoying to deal with, since you've worked so hard on the score, but im quitting the band.'

what? momo's what now?

'wait.. so you're not going to play?' jiro hesitantly asked.

'yes. im sure ive fallen behind quite a bit anyway, i hope you guys will do fine without the keyboardist.'

jiro's question attracted the nervous and concerned stares of tokoyami, kaminari and bakugo. they listened intently on the phone conversation, biting their lip in frustration.

'but... but...' jiro's mind went blank. there was going to be a keyboard solo, what'll happen then? all she could do was stutter in response.

'i have to go now, sorry if this news came as abrupt. bye.'


jiro kept her phone up by her ear, her grip on the device tightening. her brow furrowed, a lump forming on her throat. the room around her seemed to spin.

'oh, ponytail's about to catch these hands. how dare she? what the hell?' bakugo slammed his drumsticks on the floor in exasperation.

'hey, hey. calm down bakugo. we'll... we'll be able to do something, right jiro?' tokoyami held bakugo down, worriedly glancing at the purple haired girl, who was looking at the floor, trembling.

'i... yes, we can, but...'


jiro fell to the floor, clutching her head, knocking the phone out of her grasp. the last thing she heard was kaminari's yell before blacking out.

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