15 : :(

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kaminari stared at his pikachu themed calendar. the festival was 2 months away from then, and he had just finished up the lyrics to the song he would be planning to sing to jiro. all that's left would be to just compose a tune and convince the people who set up the event to allow him to perform one last song.

kaminari felt like somewhat of a creep doing this. i mean, what if it'd all go wrong? what if jiro rejects him again? then he'd be an even bigger laughing stock, and that doesn't feel good. he always tried to cheer people up by going short-circuted, sure that was an easy joke to get out a laugh or two, but he didn't like being known as class 1a's moron. if this confession attempt went sideways he'd be known as an even bigger moron, and he knew monoma would never let him live it down.

besides the festival preparations, school went on as normal. nothing new, just a regular test or two, but nothing worth getting stressed up over. but even festival preparations were enough to get nervous over. i mean, yaoyorozu just quit the band. losing a pianist wasn't that big of a deal, but it was a loss stressful enough to have made jiro faint. for ulterior reasons, kaminari hadn't the slightest clue, but jiro fainting was concerning enough on its own.

he looked down on his messy dorm room desktop - on the left resided stacks upon stacks of textbooks and notes. he had intended to write down as many notes jiro missed out on during the time she stayed in the infirmary, so she wouldn't fall behind on schoolwork. on the right of his desk resided messy scraps of paper littered with words and music scores roughly written in pencil.

kaminari wasnt the best musician, i mean the most music knowledge he had was listening to anime osts or the occasional pop or rock song. he had learnt to play the guitar thanks to jiro's kind teaching a few years back, but that was honestly it. but its the thought that counts. jiro would surely at least appreciate his attempt as a song, lousy or not, right?

he sighed. he hated seeing jiro this despondent.

he probably told himself that more than enough times, but the sight of her being weak, the sight of a frown on her face, the sight of seeing her not even let out a chuckle at his 'whey-ing' face... it all felt so unnatural.

what happened, jiro?

i want to fix you.

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