12 : electric excitement

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kaminari lied on his back, squinting his eyes to prevent being blinded by his room's glimmering ceiling light; the messy haired boy almost started to hallucinate aoyama's bright naval laser shining back at him.

he grunted. today wasn't supposed to end so abruptly; kaminari made the mental note that jiro seemed moodier than usual once she saw todoroki and momo hanging out together.

his lack of braincells made him unable to put two and two together, so he plumped back over, his face now smushed onto his soft pillow.

to kaminari, jiro was like a murder mystery novel.

tough, mysterious exterior. the first few pages were always intimidating, but once his curiosity got the best of him, he continued to delve deep into the story's lore. more twists and turns revealed more clues, and kaminari began to slowly understand what was going on. a connection grew. however, more clues presented more contradictions, and no matter how much he'd make sense of one thing, more mysteries began popping up as well.

it wouldn't be until much later, when kaminari would finally understand what jiro's mind contained; as of now, he felt readily confident that his sherlock-like abilities would come in use when reading jiro's emotions.

kaminari furrowed his eyebrows, pouting. jiro had been awfully quiet the past month or so, and with the festival coming up, it didnt make the fact that she was the music team's leader any better. she always either turned up late or grumpy to rehearsals; being extremely nit-picky with bakugo being off-beat, kaminari's guitar being a semitone off-key, or tokoyami's bass being way too loud.

whatever that has been bothering jiro lately, kaminari wasn't having any of it.

speaking of the rehearsals, momo hadn't bothered to show up to any of their practice runs. he found that out of character, as such a model student and someone who happened to be their vice president, the last person kaminari expected to flake was momo.

was that possibly why jiro was upset? because momo wasn't showing up?

kaminari squished his head between his pillow, kicking his feet like a child.

he hated seeing jiro upset. the last time he'd seen her be that upset was probably when she rejected him.

yes, she got upset. i mean, kaminari was always the bright understanding one; the blonde had always reasoned that jiro was upset because she felt bad that she hurt his feelings.

he sighed. it had been a full term and he still hadn't gotten over her. not in an unhealthy way, he was still close with her as friends, but there was always this nagging feeling burning in kaminari's heart that made him want to be more than just friends with jiro. the same feeling that made him go red whenever jiro smiled; the same feeling that made him ruffle her hair when she started playing with her earphone-jacks when she got embarrassed; the same feeling that made him want to just kiss her whenever he saw her.

yeah. that feeling.

kaminari sighed again. he stretched lazily over his bed and picked up his pen and notebook, playing with his pen, twirling and tapping it.

the festival was seriously nearing. though the dance and special effects team were nearing perfecting their parts, the music team was... not in their best condition. with their keyboardist gone and leader annoyed all the time, all kaminari could do was just watch everything start slowly chipping away.

how to cheer jiro up.. how to cheer her up.

a lightbulb lit up in his mind, a few sparks shooting out of his fingertips in excitement.

a song! bingo!

though he wasn't the best musician - lyrically nor performance wise, a quick song he self-composed would mean the world to her! he could perform his song after 1a's group performance was done.

and a sided bonus, he could try to confess his love to her! again.

kaminari stopped scribbling his ideas ecstatically onto the paper. what if she rejects him again? what if she doesn't respond and the audience starts laughing at him? he started internally yelling. there were so many ways he could screw up, and doing this performance dedicated to jiro could put his dignity on the line.

but.. if it all went smoothly, he could see her smile for the first time in forever.

kaminari grinned from ear to ear. he picked up his pikachu themed pen back up and started jotting down lyric ideas, his feet shuffling under the bed sheets in enthusiasm; unknowingly building up friction on his bed and in the room until-

"denki! dude you short circuited again!"


"sorry kiri!"

kaminari giggled like a little school girl, laughing and clutching his notebook in the darkness. this wasn't the first time he accidentally turned off the all power from his dorm floor by thinking about jiro.

now all that's left is to practice until it was time.

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