16 : emotion

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young love was tough.

on one hand, jiro knew she was too young to truly understand what 'love' truly was. she knew her first relationship wouldn't last until the very end, she knew she wouldn't get married to momo even if things went perfectly. life didn't work that way, no one was that lucky with their fate. but, nonetheless, it hurt. it was expected, but it hurt.

she fiddled with her guitar, tuning it, the electric sound of the guitars waves ringing in her ears as they bounced off of the studio's walls.

normally, she would have heard momo's messing with the electric keyboards volumes and styles, playing random tunes, her laugher filling up the room. it was music to jiros ears. but now, those sounds played back like a melancholy tune.

"kyoka? you alright with your guitar? you've been trying to tune it for the past minute or so."

jiro glanced up, meeting her gaze with kaminari's look of concern. she pushed the negativity to the back of her mind. "oh, i have? my bad, i was just distracted, or maybe im still recovering from face planting onto the floor a few days ago."

a small smile tugged at the sides of kaminaris lips. "hey, for your information, i was able to catch you before you did, so your welcome! also, i want to get practicing immediately because ive just figured out how to play my part stylistically and i want to show it off to you!"

that energy. the warm aura kaminari radiated was comforting, in the simplest terms.

jiro couldn't help but smile back in response, lowering her head to continue tuning her guitar, subtely hiding her pink-tinted cheeks.

you can do this.

bakugo tapped his drumsticks together on beat 6 times, signaling the song was about to begin. the band members scuttled back into their resperive corners, restint their fingers familiarily on their instruments.

"and a one, a two, a one, two, three, four!"

music soared throughout the studio, each instruments distinctive timbre harmonizing with each other in a energetic dance.

the members couldn't help but sway along to the songs upbeat vibe, bobbing their head to the beat and rocking their body as the music climaxed.

the music quieted down as the song crept its way towards the bridge of the melody, and as jiro's voice lowered down to a mere hum, a sudden jolt of energy surged through the room as kaminari's guitar solo followed, his enthusiastic and nimble fingers playing his guitar.

he sure wasnt lying when he said he practiced hard.

jiro stared at him in admiration, a small smile forming on her face, her foot tapping to the electric rhythm of his solo.

if only she knew how much emotion kaminari's performance held.

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