3 - smile

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i don't know if im taking the situation too personally.

it's only the first day of this incident and i feel like the school day's been going on for much longer than usual. apparently my attention span has gotten worse, since i've been called on by aizawa sensei for not paying attention like, 5 times today already. i just hope it's not affecting anything else.

"jiro chan, what's up with you today? normally you occasionally pay attention in aizawa sensei's class but today you straight up didn't at all!" tsuyu said, coming up to my desk as the bell rang in time for our break.

shoji piped in turning around,and facing us, remarking, "yeah, i agree with tsu. today you were just laying your head on your desk. did something happen?"

it's remarkably thoughtful that tsuyu and shoji were this caring about me, our bond definitely grew stronger after the license exam-


memories of momo saving us all when we were battling that iq quirk girl shoved me in a spiral of guilt.

i glance over at momo sitting in the corner of the classroom, having a pleasant conversation with todoroki.

i miss that smile.

i realize how i just completely ignored the two people beside me and came to my senses. "oh, im just tired and stressed out for the festival's performance. i stayed up late finding ways to improve the lyrics of our song yesterday. don't worry about me!" i forced a box smile, reassuring the two.

tsu and shoji each went back to their own activities, leaving me alone in my seat once again.

i took out my notebook where i jotted down lyric ideas and random thoughts.

man, i miss that smile.

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